  • 學位論文


A Study of Illegal Judgment Standard of Non-Price Vertical Restraints Practically in Taiwan

指導教授 : 劉姿汝


我國公平法上第十九條第六款之規定,通稱為非價格垂直交易限制。該條規定之構成要件,充滿不確定性,在理論上,除實質要件「有限制競爭或妨礙公平競爭之虞」與構成要件中之「限制之正當性」是否為相同概念有所爭議外,對於「限制是否正當」之考慮因素,雖於施行細則第二十七條第二項有補充規定,然仍無具體標準可循;而實務上,公平交易委員會因未制訂相關執法準則,是亦令事業更充滿不確定感。 在公平法施行將近二十年之際,本文歸納公平會歷年關於非價格垂直交易限制案件在處分理由中所表達之違法判斷因素,試圖以美國、日本對於非價格垂直交易限制之違法認定標準為借鏡,加上我國目前現行法規定,提出我國實務上對於非價格垂直交易限制違法判斷標準之相關建議。


The Article 19, Clause 6 of the Fair Trade Act in Taiwan, generally called non-price vertical trade restraints. The composition of this clause, full of uncertainty, except for argument about if it was different legal concept between the “danger of restraining competition or unfair competition” and the “validity of restraints” theoretically, but also over the considered elements of the validity of restraints. Although the considered elements of the validity of restraints are replenished by the Article 27, Section 2 in the rule of procedure of Fair Trade Act, yet still doesn’t have specific rules to follow. In practically, Enterprises are more full of uncertainty because the Fair Trade Committee doesn’t make any standard for them to follow. As the Fair Trade Act is implemented for nearly 20 years, this study sums up the publishing determination which showed illegal judgment elements about non-price vertical trade restraints made by Fair Trade Committee over the years, and attempts to learn the illegal judgment standard of non-price vertical trade restraints from U.S.A and Japan, with concerned of the current law stipulates, hopes to bring up some helpful advice about the illegal judgment standard of non-price vertical trade restraints that can use practically in Taiwan.


