  • 學位論文


A relational survey on Brand Strategy, Brand Experience, Brand Equity, and Brand Performance –Digital Camera Industry as the empirical epitome

指導教授 : 胡同來


近年來,隨著社會環境快速變遷,消費者將不再只是因為功能上使用價值的需求而購買,也將重視其他附加功能價值的需求,例如外型以及品牌價值等等。除了重視有形產品,消費者也相當重視其他非功能價值的需求(無形產品),如有良好的品牌體驗,品牌體驗已不只是指體驗產品功能如此而已,而是須經過縝密的品牌策略規劃,在與顧客的各個接觸點上,創造具差異化且讓消費者有深刻的體驗。有鑑於此,本研究將加入無形產品對於消費者是否有影響,以利企業研擬策略時加入考量。 本研究將經由相關文獻探討,整合過去學者著作及相關研究,分析數位相機市場中,品牌策略、品牌體驗、品牌權益顧與品牌績效之間之關係。因此將台北地區數位相機產業消費者作為研究對象,透過問卷調查法,並以線性結構模式,探討該產業之品牌策略、品牌體驗、品牌權益與品牌績效等概念,互相連結不同概念間的因果關係。 本研究是以數位相機產業為實證對象,研究發現:品牌策略對品牌權益、品牌策略對品牌體驗,品牌權益對品牌績效皆有顯著的正向影響;品牌體驗對品牌權益與品牌體驗與品牌績效並無顯著的影響;以此研究結果,可研擬行銷策略提供業界做為參考,期望能對其品牌策略之制定有所貢獻。


In these years, as the society changes rapidly and the economy shifts hastily, consumers no longer focus on the needs or the function of the products. Instead, they rely heavily on the value-added function as well, such as the stylish ID and brand value. The purchase experience and habit undoubtedly leads to brand association and loyalty. Except product itself, consumers also give much weight on invisible value, such as favorable brand experiences, whereas it entails not only the product spec and features, but also carefully-designed brand strategy of creating positive and deep-dive purchasing experience. Based on below concept, this research takes into consideration that whether invisible value can strongly affect consumers’ purchase decision. In turn, corporate can count on it as guiding principle when setting a product strategy. This research, hinged on the literature review and relevant studies, explores how to radically raise the business performance by brand management, as well as how to build up the advantage among the tough competition, in order to run the business as long as possible. The digital camera market is analyzed by various inter-connected factors, such as brand strategy, experience, equity, and performance. The DC consumers in Taipei are chosen as the subject of the research, through the methodology of questionnaire linear structure model, to examine the interrelated concepts of brand strategy, experience, equity, and performance, which in the long run result to substantial benefit in sales. This research takes the industry of digital camera as the experimental subject. Research findings consist of significant and positive correlation between brand strategy and equity, between brand strategy and experience, and between brand equity and performance. However, there is not significant and positive correlation between brand experience and brand performance. Contribution of the findings can provide reference for corporate in related industry, anticipating a beneficial effect on marketing strategy.


[3]Aaker, D.A.(1992), “ The Value of Brand Equity”, Journal of business
strategy, 13(4), PP29


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