  • 學位論文


A Study on brand extension, sale promotion, experiential marketing, customer satisfaction degree and brand equity – An Empirical Investigation of the Clothing Retail Industry

指導教授 : 胡同來


近年由於經濟不景氣之影響,消費者的荷包不斷的在縮水,因此如何以經濟實惠的價格購買到所需之商品,成為了許多消費者選擇商品上的一大考量;以服飾零售業為例,許多國際知名之平價服飾業者,在通路上降低成本,以提供消費者更平易近人的價格,提高自身企業的競爭優勢;此外在展店的策略方面,為了讓消費者對於自身品牌更有認同感,紛紛開幕了大坪數之旗艦店,為的就是使消費者在該品牌購物產生更多滿意與愉悅的體驗。 本研究經由相關文獻探討,整合過去學者著作及相關研究,發展一理論架構。以大台北地區平價服飾產業之消費者為研究對象,透過問卷調查法,並以結構方程式模型探討該產業中品牌延伸、銷售促進、體驗行銷、顧客滿意度與品牌權益之關連性。 本研究發現:品牌延伸、銷售促進及體驗行銷對顧客滿意度與顧客滿意度對品牌權益皆有顯著之正向影響。本研究以平價服飾產業消費者為實證對象,探討各變數之關係,並研擬行銷策略提供業界做為參考,期能對其行銷策略之制定有所貢獻。


Because of recession, personal disposable income is becoming lower and lower. Therefore, consumers start to take economical element account to choose product. Taking clothing retailer industry for example, there are many famous value clothing retailers cutting down cost of channel to provide more attractive and reasonable price. As above mention, they create their own competitive advantage at the same time. Furthermore, in order to touch customers and let customers know more about brand, more and more famous clothing brand start to build flagship stores to make customers feel happy and satisfied while they are shopping. This research integrated with academic books and with related references has developed a theory framework. The data collected from questionnaire investigation method in Taipei City, probe into the value clothing retail industry this brand extension, sale promotion and experiential marketing, is it close of connecting with customer satisfaction degree and brand equity by way of structural equation modeling. The most significant finding : There is a significant, positive correlation between brand extension and customer satisfaction degree.There is a significant, positive correlation between sale promotion and customer satisfaction degree.There is a significant, positive correlation between experiential marketing and customer satisfaction degree.There is a significant, positive correlation between customer satisfaction degree and brand equity. The survey takes consumer of the value clothing retail industry to discover the relationships in different variables. Contributions of the findings are to provide business marketing strategy.


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