  • 學位論文


Identifying the Hidden Abnormalities in Business Management on Social Networking and Solved by Using TRIZ Approaches

指導教授 : 葉繼豪


隨著市場的深入,現代高科技時代來臨,在這新經濟環競下過去企業主管面對管理上的問題大多根據以往經驗進行解決,實質效益並不大,反而衍伸出另一個問題,導致問題仍然無法徹底解決,最後生產力下降,危機不斷。為幫助企業主管面對問題時,能夠即時並精準地得到解答,故建立平臺能提供各類型企業主管們即時提出問題,從中瞭解經營管理異常和隱藏需求,同時也能夠交換管理上的心得,透過互相的交流,進一步瞭解同業及異業間管理上的問題及方法,也無形中增添企業主在面對問題的多方思維,促進企業發展,進而提升能見度,使企業持續強化競爭力及通往成功的關鍵所在。 本研究希望社群網路以Facebook粉絲團專頁和mobile01平臺為工具,藉由粉絲互動交流中,挖掘出隱藏需求及經營管理異常,這種管理盲點使得企業經營管理更加困難,將這些隱藏需求轉化成需求陳述,分析這些需求陳述,再利用萃智(TRIZ)管理創新解決遇到問題及衝突,能夠即時性的給出決策方向,而讓粉絲更願意去分享職場上的心得感想;同時,平臺提供人與人互動記錄,讓研究者從這紀錄資料中,探究常被提問之問題並歸納分類,並讓管理階層深度瞭解真正問題及員工的隱藏需求,幫助企業主在管理層面更加順暢。研究結果顯示在社群網路上,多以職場人際關係為主,其他專業性問題方法為輔,本論文也根據社群網路中,挖掘出管理隱藏需求,已用萃智(TRIZ)管理創新逐個給予有效之解決。


Under competitive environment over the past decades, managers solved managerial problems by using their past experience. This is not a best way to solve the problems because it causes another problem or decreases work efficiency. To get rid of the problems, we built an online platform for identifying the hidden abnormalities in business management. Moreover, the platform can provide companies ideas to get better solution than using past experience. A TRIZ based model is proposed to support the innovation and knowledge capitalization process. First, we transferred hidden demand to statement of need. Analysis statement of need was the second step. Then, we categorized it. Finally TRIZ approach was used to solve the problem. From the results, it can be seen that the relationship between colleagues has the highest score. In addition, respondents thought that TRIZ was most applicable to technical problem solving and innovation, and less to technology strategy and business management. This research offers a way to transfer the solution from an identified analogous problem to a new target problem, and reduce effort and time in solving problems. This makes managers understand staffs’ hidden needs clearly.


Social Networking TRIZ Management Hidden


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