  • 學位論文


Development of an Axial Magnetic Bearing for Self-Bearing Motors

指導教授 : 楊勝明


在磁懸浮轉軸系統中軸向磁力軸承扮演著提供轉子軸向力的角色,在軸向控制中,傳統軸向磁力軸承是以上下兩組電磁鐵組包夾一個導磁碟盤,達成提供軸向力的功能,但這兩組電磁鐵組對導磁盤產生電磁吸力必須分別控制,產生軸向推力的效率低且難以控制;近代提出新型的軸向磁力軸承系統,在其定子間或轉子上加入偏磁磁鐵,並且將兩個電磁鐵組整合成單一線圈形式,更利於提升功率密度與力量控制,但因為使用永久磁鐵伴隨而來的徑向不平衡力,大幅增加了磁懸浮系統中徑向軸承的負擔,輕則使磁浮系統徑向控制不易,重則使系統無法完成。 本論文以新型軸向磁力軸承為設計概念,提出一種可以提供高軸向推力且低徑向不平衡力的新型軸向磁力軸承,且在限制的外徑及高度下,以有限元素分析軟體分析其可行性,並於實現新型軸承後,建立一套可以測量軸向力量與徑向力量之量測系統。


Thrust actuators are necessary for magnetically levitated rotating machines to provide axial force for rotor balancing. Conventional designs generally consist of two electromagnetic units and iron plate, but they produce very small radial force and the thrust density is low. Recent thrust actuator designs often integrate permanent magnets into the stator core or rotor and mix the excitant windings to one set to enhance the thrust density and easier control . However, considerable radial force may present with using permanent magnetic if not designed carefully. The radial force produced by the thrust actuator is not desirable since it becomes a burden to radial actuator control. And it may shutdown the whole system. This paper presents a new thrust actuator design for magnetic bearings. The actuator can produce high thrust but low radial attraction force. The actuator force characteristics are analyzed using finite-element analysis. Experimental verifications are also performed.


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