  • 學位論文


The best control model of OSP process and application

指導教授 : 蘇昭瑾


受RoHS指令的影響,電子行業迅速朝著無鉛製程的方向邁進。印刷電路板廠必須選擇有價格競爭力,同時可保證產品之信賴性達到市場要求之表面處理技術。由TQRDCE各項指標比較後導入有機可焊性保護劑之電路板表面處理技術對於印刷電路板產業界而言是良性的。 有機可焊性保護劑膜厚的控制是OSP生產製程中最重要的一環,其中影嚮要因為四:pH值的控制、酸價的控制、藥液濃度的控制及銅面微蝕深度的控制。在本論文中,針對此四項控制要因利用類神經網路與實驗設計法結合並設計一系列之分析與測試而得到OSP膜厚生長之最佳化參數。使得有機可焊性保護劑膜厚生產之製程能力提昇,並建構出OSP膜厚生產最佳化模型。


The electronics industries must to introduce the lead-free process which affected by RoHS direct. Base on TQRDCE index compare results, the factory of printed circuit board(PCB) of surface finish e processing technology. introduce OSP process which can conform cost down and get good reliability results The most important part in OSP process is the control of OSP .thickness There are four parameter to influence of the control process which are pH value, the degree of acidity, the consistency of medication and the etching roughness . In this paper, it aimed at how to set and control the four following causes which using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Design Of Experiments (DOE) to find the best control conditions .As the result shown in the experiment which can promote the Performance Index(Cpk) of OSP thickness process and get the best control model of OSP process .


OSP ANN DOE Process Capability Index


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