  • 學位論文


The effectiveness of waste heat recovery for the light-emitting diodes lighting

指導教授 : 周鼎金


台灣的能源十分缺乏,約98%以進口為主,因此若無法有效減少能源消耗,不但影響整體國力及競爭力,更會污染且破壞環境。我國建築使用電中,以照明設備佔建築物總耗電量第二高。近年能源危機與節能減碳議題下,政府有計畫性推廣LED,由於LED擁有低耗能、環保、壽命長等優點,因此被各方看好取 代傳統照明成為未來照明光源。 LED是一種高熱發光元件,約有15%~20% 轉換成可見光,其餘都轉換成熱能,而這些廢熱若無法排除,將會造成光衰及壽命減少等問題。本研究首先研究LED散熱技術,瞭解現今散熱發展趨勢與瓶頸,有助於LED散熱效率。再結合最合適熱回收技術,使能源可再回收利用,減少能源的消耗。 本研究主要探討LED散熱及熱回收之性能,開發出液冷散熱系統整合熱回收系統的原型,其系統散熱效能最佳化組合的平均系統熱阻為0.138 W/m℃,明顯優於被動式鋁製鰭片散熱的4.83 W/m℃。LED熱回收系統效益分析中,LED熱回收系統製造熱水成本為其他熱水器製造熱水成本的10~19%;在二氧化碳排放分析中,LED熱回收系統在各項熱水設備類型中其二氧化碳排放量為最低的,是其他設備的10~36%。


Taiwan is the lack of energy, about 98% of imports. If the reduction of energy consumption is not effectively, not only affect the overall national strength and competitiveness, but will pollute and damage the environment. Our use of electricity in buildings, lighting accounts is the second highest of total electricity consumption. In recent years, the energy crisis and energy conservation and carbon reduction issues, the government had plans to promote LED. Due to LED owns the following advantages; include low power consumption, environmental protection, and long lifetime. Therefore, LED is considering the great opportunity to replace conventional lighting and become the lighting source in further. LED is a high heat emitting device, about 15% to 20% converted into visible light, the rest are converted into heat, which heat, if not removed, will result in reduced light depreciation and life issues. In this study, we start to study the LED heat dissipation technology, to understand current trends and bottlenecks that will improve LED thermal efficiency. By combine with the optimal heat recovery technology, the energy can be recycled to reduce energy consumption. This study focused on the performance of LED cooling and heat recovery, developed a integrate model of liquid cooling system and heat recovery cooling system, the system thermal performance optimization and the average system thermal resistance is 0.138 W / m ℃, much better than passive aluminum fins cooling 4.83 W / m ℃. In the LED heat recovery benefit analysis, LED hot water heat recovery system manufacturing costs for other water heater manufacturers water costs 10 ~ 19%. In the carbon dioxide emissions analysis, the carbon dioxide emissions of LED heat recovery system are the lowest amounts (10~36%) to all types of hot water equipments.


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