  • 學位論文


Design and Development of Cold Chain Monitoring System -Taking the Vaccine as Example

指導教授 : 陳凱瀛


捍衛國人健康的疫苗必須加入冷凍鏈,以確保直至終端單位皆有安全且恆低溫的保障。現今疫苗的安全性,雖拜科技文明之賜,在製造過程中相較於從前,已擁有更加卓越的醫療製造水平,但我們從過往新聞中卻不難發現,本為救人的疫苗,卻因為過程管理的疏失,使得國人深受其戕害,輕則發生不適症狀及藥劑無效作用,重則斷送諸條無辜生命。   經由本研究發現,疫苗必須在整體的運輸、儲存、使用等過程都應該有嚴格的監控要求。本研究即針對冷凍鏈的「監控」及「溫度」兩關鍵點,建置疫苗冷凍鏈監控系統設計,用以模擬疫苗作業的過程,透過各角色之間的資訊傳達及分享,達到彼此鏈結不斷鏈,經由溫度不斷地記錄作業,得以避免「疫苗失敗未覺」的情況發生。整個疫苗冷凍鏈制度即使在有諸多變動因子的天災疫情時,亦能透過疫苗安全的控管追蹤和即時通報作業,得以保障疫苗安全。此外,臺灣目前尚未有冷凍鏈標準下,本研究透過模仿冷鏈協會CCQI的內容進行自評和公評問卷,來對疫苗冷凍鏈監控系統內的各角色會員進行組織的查察評核,使得疫苗冷凍鏈的標準能趨近於歐美各國的冷凍鏈組織,亦能讓國家整體衛生疫苗及醫藥安全在冷凍鏈上更有保障。


The vaccines which protect our health should be joined to the cold chain to insure its safety and keeps it at a low temperature. Although the vaccines technique is better than before, it still leads to harm sometimes such as discomfort or the effect is fruitless. Even worse, it results in death.   By way of this research, we can realize that vaccines should be monitored in all the processes of transportation, preservation, use and so on strictly. This research is mainly aimed at monitor and temperature of the cold chain, we set up a supervisory control apparatus of vaccines system to simulate operations process. Through communicating and sharing of information to each other that cold chain will be continuous,and avoid "vaccine failure but we don’t know".We can protect the vaccine safety through control system and circular system. Furthermore,about cold chain standard in Taiwan that’ not yet defined, forasmuch in this research we use CCQI and questionnaire to assess cold chain member and cause medicines safety in Taiwan.


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