  • 學位論文

基於Pseudo Software需求模型自動產生Robot Framework驗收測試案例之研究

Automatic Robot Framework Test Case Generation for Pseudo Software

指導教授 : 鄭有進


隨著人們對行動裝置的App需求量日益增加,為了能在有限的時間內開發出一個符合需求且穩定的App,行動應用軟體的開發流程已經是大家關注的焦點。本研究使用Pseudo Software和自動化測試框架來輔助開發者在開發流程中更精確、更快速的驗證需求。在軟體開發完成後,經由初期確認過的需求模型自動產生自動化驗收測試來驗證需求。自動產生驗收測試不僅可以省下手動撰寫驗收測試所花費的時間,且能避免因人為疏忽導致需求未被完整驗證。


With more and more people relying on mobile applications for obtaining services, developers are pressed against time to deliver high quality mobile applications. Pseudo software is a new methodology that can help improving the situation. This thesis contributes to further enhancing the pseudo software’s support for developing mobile applications. We propose to automatically generate acceptance tests from the presentation and navigation elements from the pseudo software model. From the very beginning of developing an application based on pseudo software, the generated acceptance tests are available for checking the application under development. Real examples are used to demonstrate the proposed enhancement.


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