  • 學位論文


Hazard Potential and Evacuation Planning for Toxic Chemicals of Tucheng Industrial Park

指導教授 : 施邦築


回顧近幾年國內工廠火災、爆炸、化學品洩漏等災害頻傳,皆造成相當巨甚之傷亡及財產損失,致使政府投入救災成本日益提升,對整體國內經濟更是一項無形中巨大耗損,加上多數運作廠於防救災管理上普遍不受重視,致使面臨災害時無法發揮相當程度應變能量,對生活週遭環境影響更是不言而喻。 本研究係以土城工業區毒化物運作廠為主要研究範疇,並針對工業區內及周界環境概況進行實訪調查,並將資訊彙整區分「量化統計資料」、「運作廠實際管理層面」及「整體災防整備」三方面指標項目。然而指標項目可清楚明瞭區域地理環境、工業區(毒化物運作廠)發展概況、敏感區域分佈及區域救災儲備能量情形,同時憑藉量化統計及區域氣象調查參數,係利用ALOHA擴散模擬系統、Surfer三維科學繪圖軟體及Super GIS地理資訊等系統,繪製出各境況毒化物外洩潛勢圖層,以作為後續疏散避難方向及選址因應策略之參考。 境況模擬及危害評估結果顯示,尤以無風境況模擬,區域危害程度及影響幅員最為遠甚。依據運作場實廠運作及防災管理調查,仍發現諸多問題有待改善及提升檢討空間。研究旨在建構業界及救災單位之防救災觀念,翼望於災前及災時提供較快速準確之相關防救災資訊,以利各項防救災行動措施擬定之參考基準。


In recent years, fires, explosions, and chemical spills frequently happened in factories causing tremendous loss of lives and properties. These accidents in disasters often raise costs for the government; it also brings negative effects to the Nation Economy. In addition, most toxic chemical factories do not emphasize the importance of disaster preventions and rescue managements. As a result, when disasters occur, toxic chemical factories are unable to react effectively. Therefore, this may cause a significant damage and impact in the environment - an inevitable outcome. The aim of this study is to investigate the Tucheng Industrial District toxic chemical substances handling site and conduct an on-site inspection of the industrial district and area surrounding current environmental conditions. All collections and compilation of statistical data were divided into three major categories: usage volume of statistical data, actual conditions of management of andling site, and preparation for disaster prevention. These three major categories provides an understanding of the regional geography environment, the conditions of industrial district (toxic chemical substance handling site), the areas of sensitivity, and the reserve energy in regional of disaster rescue. Using the volume of statistical data and meteorology investigation iii from Application of ALOHA, Surfer-A owerful contouring, Gridding, and Geographic Information SystemʢGIS) as references, a map of for evacuation was constructed. The study was constructed in the industry with the concept of disaster rescue and prevention. Hopefully this research could be used as reference in the development of regional disaster prevention plans and a standard for the application of various disaster rescue and prevention.


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