  • 學位論文


Study on establish of vegetative filter strips in the water quality and quantity protection area

指導教授 : 陳彥璋 林鎮洋


由於我國地狹人稠,先天環境地質脆弱、氣候潮濕多雨等限制因子影響,使得水土保持不易。在先天條件不佳情況下,加上長期以來經濟發展為導向之政策理念,土地集約。種種的天然與人為因素共伴下,造成近年來水庫集水區常於暴雨發生時即成為重災區。此外,我國即使位處生態敏感地區(如水庫蓄水範圍及保護帶範圍),仍處處可見人為開發之足跡,凡此等等不免導致水庫集水區面臨諸多問題,進而影響水庫壽命或供水品質。 雖我國相關法令對於保護帶皆有相關設置、劃設之規定。但法規對於保護帶之劃設皆以水平距離30-50公尺劃設為準則;惟保護帶設置考量因子包括寬度、植生、坡度、地形等數種考量因子,在國內自來水保護區內皆因地處山區地勢陡峭,因此若以國外經驗劃設作為參考準則,與我國現況明顯不適之落差。故本研究其能藉由濱水岸設置適當之植生過濾帶,以足夠之緩衝區,使得泥砂過濾污染物得以藉由植生過濾帶機制削減。 本研究以利用植生過濾帶模式模擬共11種植生過濾帶劃設情境分析,其中以泥砂攔阻效能作為主要參考準則;在三場不同降雨事件下,求得植生過濾帶長30公尺之情境下即可達到90%之泥砂攔阻率,並以此做為過濾帶長度劃設之最適化建議範圍,以作為未來植生過濾帶劃設之參考依據。


Nonpoint source pollution are major pollutant by runoff to carrying sediment from stormwater what has long been recognized, and will happen in the soon and uncertain. The control of non-point source pollution (NPS) represents one of the major strategies and the use of best management practices (BMPs) such as buffer zone, vegetative filter strips etc, is under careful consideration. In Taiwan have some regulations rules for the riparian zone to establish them also. However, it does not match local condition of the topography, vegetative situations. So, in this study was using a numerical model to simulate the VFS establish how length, which condition of vegetative are the better, and the other effect parameters. The objective of this study was to using vegetative filter strips model (VFSMOD) to simulate on-site implementation of vegetative filter strips conservation practices. In the model have set-up 11th scenarios of VFS length from 10-m long to 107-m long, under third rainfall event. After simulation results can be funded, that is length design 30 meters the sediment pollutant reduction rate would be coming up to 90%. So, in the installing VFS at future, the suggestion is based on the scenario of VFS length design can used 30-m long to be an authority.


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