  • 學位論文


The Channel Choice of Brand-Clothing-Factories for Department Stores

指導教授 : 杜壯


流行服飾被視為流行產業之龍首,在流行產業中具指標性的效果。據統計,台灣民眾每年平均花費二萬元在服飾上,保守估計成衣內銷就有超過一千五百億的規模。且服飾業的品牌附加價值高達61%之多。龐大的市場與高附加價值,讓服飾品牌間的競爭非常激烈。要能脫穎而出,擁有良好的營業通路是勝負關鍵。 本研究以16-30歲女性服飾品牌為研究對象,訪問不同背景的品牌服飾,分析其通路選擇之差異,並建構一營業通路選擇評估模式,作為服飾業挑擇最佳營業通路之準則。 研究結果有二,首先是代理品牌與國產品牌在消費者特性與通路特性的重視程度上有顯著的差異,代理品牌著重對「消費者行為」的觀察,而國產品牌仰賴「零售商」的集客能力。其次,本研究提出一最佳營業通路選擇的評估量表,可做為品牌服飾廠商於挑選或評核營業通路的參考工具。


Fashionable ready-to-wear is usually regarded as the locomotive engine of the fashion industry and it is also the index of this field. According to the statistical data, each Taiwanese spend 20,000 NT in clothes every year. Only the domestic market of clothes is estimated to be 150 billion NT and the attached value of the brand of clothes rises to 61%. The big market and the great valuable make the companies of ready-to-wear competitive drastically. To be the winners, great retail stores are the key factor. This research uses survey of documents and AHP,and targets the females aging 16-30. The research also includes interview with various brands of clothing and analyses the difference when the companies choose their retailers. The research tries to build up a model and the measure of evaluating the best place of clothing retailers. Achievement 1.Obvious difference between import agent and domestic company in the attention of consumers and the marketing channels. First, import agent: stress on observation of consumers. Second, domestic company: depend on the purchasing ability of retailers 2.Measure of choosing the best retailer, which could be the reference tool, when clothing company pick or evaluate their retailers.


Brand Place Clothing Retailer Department store AHP


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