  • 學位論文


The feasible research of escaping from department stores by escalator

指導教授 : 林裕昌


現今百貨商場都以電扶梯為主要垂直動線,目前國內雖有使用樓梯逃生相關研究,卻無常使用於百貨商場電扶梯逃生相關資料,故本研究模擬國內商場百貨發生火災時人員所可能就近使用通往避難層之電扶梯,若火災發生第一時間能就近逃生,不但存活機率高並降低尋找逃生梯之時間,也能解決商場百貨樓梯法令上增量數問題,更能給予人員多選擇逃生之方向。本研究目的如下: 一、探討使用電扶梯逃生避難之可行性。 二、提出以電扶梯逃生問題及對策。 本研究以停止狀態電扶梯為研究對象,本研究成果如下: 研究目的(一): 探討人員使用電扶梯逃生避難之可行性。 使用電扶梯逃生避難不僅人員對路徑熟悉,且人員就近逃生快,加上樓層與居室避難增入電扶梯為逃生梯使用後,避難所需時間比原先少,而在同樣條件下人員使用電扶梯與寬度1.5m樓梯進入與離開流量均能達到5人/秒,此外,電扶梯人員進入及離開時間也比寬度1.5m快,另外文獻中高齡者使用電扶梯避難逃生時間比本實驗20歲人員完成離開快,故使用電扶梯逃生避難為可行的。 研究目的(二):提出以電扶梯逃生問題及對策。 使用電扶梯逃生雖可行,但人員在於電扶梯行動上,因扶梯寬度小較為壅擠,加上踏階高度比一般樓梯高及電扶梯並無緊急逃生燈、且踏階有鋸齒狀,較易跌倒而受傷,故若要使用電扶梯作為就近逃生使用,須先解決電扶梯本身問題, 方可供人員就近逃生使用。


商場建築 電扶梯 逃生避難


Current modern department stores set escalator as the main vertical facilities. Although domestic research are related to escaping from stairs, but the research of using escalator to escape from department store is lacking. The research simulate the situation when fire occur, people taking out from domestic department stores with nearly escalator which can connect to the refuge floor. If people can escape at the first time when fire begin, the survival rate will increase and the time that people finding escapable stairs will reduce. It not only solve department stores ladder’s incremental problem on laws, but also give people more directions to escape. Purpose of this study are as follows: 1.Investigation of the feasibility with evacuating and taking refuge by escalator. 2.Proposing problems and suggestions of escaping with escalator. The research set staying escalator as object, the study of results are as follows: Purposes of Research I: Investigation of the feasibility with evacuating and taking refuge by escalator. Escape refuge by escalators,not only personnel familiar path,and personnel nearby to escape quickly. Plus of refuge floor and room add to use escalator become refuge stair after. Evacuation time is less than originally,and same condition, people use the escalator and width 1.5m of stairs to enter and leave flow are both reach the five people /second. In addition, people use escalator to enter and leave time are faster than use width 1.5m of stair. Furthermore literature, senior citizens evacuation by escalator required time was leave quickly than the present research about 20 years age of students, Therefore,people evacuation by escalator are feasible. Purposes of Research II: Proposing problems and suggestions of escaping with escalator. Although possible to escape by escalators. But people in escalator to action, because the escalator width is small and relatively crowded. Stair step higher than the stair high-order and it haven’t emergency light、stair step have serrated, it was easy to fall and causing injury. If be the nearest escape by escalator. Must first solve problem of escalator itself. It can the nearest to escape for people.




