  • 學位論文


Visual Evaluation on Road Dust Loading Quality with Available Managements

指導教授 : 章裕民


為瞭解街塵髒污等級判定方法之準確性,本研究選擇台灣環保署所公告之二種方法(以E1、E2表示),與本研究擬定之三種道路等級(以L1、L2、L3表示)此五種方法進行評估。並使用最適之方法,做為道路髒污分級依據,以便於洗掃街前或相關管制措施之執行。 本研究選擇桃園縣和新北市共取65條道路作為代表,並參考美國環保署所署所公告之AP-42街塵採樣執行方法,進行街塵採樣,並利用ASTM C-136之方法進行篩分析之工作,即可求出道路之街塵負荷量,並換算出街塵髒污等級並與目視方法比較。即可得知此五種方法準確性之順序分別為L1、E2、E1、L3、L2。經研究結果得知,L1法在65條道路中195個採樣點中有124點個採樣點判定一致,佔全部道路中之82.1%。 另本研究發現出於工地噴灑水後,再使用掃路機清理路面能有效的增加PM10之削減效率,固當執行洗掃作業,建議使用洗掃街配合一起使用。故當使用L1方法判定為等級B或等級C時,建議1~2天執行洗掃作業一次。必需找出造成道路髒污之相關污染來源,再制定其管制方案,管制1.裸露地、營建工地、2. 人行道植被、安全島、路面破損、3.道路平整程度提升、4. 推動自發性認養道路、5. 建立污染防治措施查報系統,以確認防治措施之完善。


The paper studies on relationship between Dirty Rank and Dust Loading. The paper have five different method that the visual classification, into classes A,B and C, was made in accordance with Taiwan’s EPA-methods and The Study- methods.It is used to distinguish into Dirty Rank of road in street sweeping, street washing and the control strategy. In New Taipei City and Taoyuan County there are 65 roads to be investigated, and each judgement for each road after dust sampling of work. The sample collection method for the street dust according to U. S. EPA AP-42 procedures, which are based on a review of American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) methods C-136. The accuracy of the methodology was evaluated and the best method is the L1-method. The L1-method which is equivalent classes to Taiwan’s EPA- classes has124 test sections,in 195 test sections, in 65 roads, in New Taipei City and Taoyuan County. this study suggests that the optimal sweeping/washing method. B grade and C grade roads suggest may match street sweeping and street washing operations to implement at the same time, the street sweeping/washing frequency for each of the 2 days and 1 days. Finding source of pollution to dust management, and then sources of pollution are generally (1) Construction site (2) Roads damaged (3) The flatness of roads (4) a road-cleaning adoption policy Finally, use of experimental results with control measures can achieve the best results.


Street Dust Visual Classification Dirty Rank


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