  • 學位論文


The Study for Construction Management of Fair-faced Concrete Building

指導教授 : 林利國


「清水混凝土」常見以「忠實的混凝土」(fair-faced concrete)或「澆灌就完成混凝土」(as-cast-finish concrete)來稱呼,即是採用工作性良好的高品質混凝土、規劃完善的模板拼接及銜接樣式、合宜模板材料及木工,搭配技術精良的施工團隊,所完成自然美觀毫無虛假掩飾的混凝土構造;目前國內案例中可粗分二種類型,第一類為表面光滑,依其折光效果可分為鏡面、霧面或木紋印染面;另一類為粗糙面,依其複製紋路樣式有原木模面、蝕刻立體木紋面等變化。 現場澆鑄清水混凝土雖然與傳統混凝土使用原料及工法大致相同,但對於材料的選取及施工技術的要求卻相對的較為嚴苛,整個構築的工作在拆模後就視為已完成,儘量不再作修補或覆蓋其他材料維持原樣。成功的作品往往被當成藝術品,因其顯現精緻的質感大異於傳統鋼筋混凝土。至目前為止,清水混凝土建築之於建築師、營造公司及專業廠商仍是一個不會輕率嘗試的地帶,因其施工過程變數多,失敗率高,又無法以其他飾材掩飾,稍有不慎將變成負面案例。幸好仍有建築師願意多花數倍的心力,說服業主接受清水混凝土的質感與效果,且帶領著營建相關團隊邊施工邊研究改正的方式,努力達成符合設計之原意,為國內建築建立新的標竿,開拓新視野。 清水混凝土的施工品質除了良好的規劃設計及專精的施工技術外,最重要的是「尊重專業的心態」,所有參與的人員必須抱持謹慎的態度,尊重自己及他人的專業知識及技能;雖然是重複做了百千遍的動作,卻把每一次當作第一次,按部就班、一絲不苟、絕不減省步驟的執行。設計、監造、施工人員均依此執行,不愁無法維持甚或超過要求之施工品質。 本論文藉由專家訪談及一系列研究探討以了解國內清水混凝土建物引進的途徑、發展現況,進而釐清對清水混凝土之各項施工特點及相關管理重點,並提出清水混凝土建築物意象之提昇、設計重點及施工管理準則供相關人員之參考。


Exposed concrete; often called fair-faced concrete or as-cast-finish concrete. It is made from a good workability and high quality concrete, a complete plan for the connection of formwork, a suitable wood material for formwork and a high technique work team. It is a concrete structure with its natural appearance. There are two domestic types of fair-faced concrete; the first type is with the smooth surface and according to its refractive power it has the mirror surface, mist surface and the grain pattern surface; the second type is the rough surface and according to the duplicated grain pattern it has the grain pattern form surface and the etching form surface. Although the material and method for the traditional concrete or the fair-faced concrete are mostly the same, the selection of the materials and methods are often harsh. The structure is considered completed after form removal. It dose not need any other repairs or covering other materials. A successful fair-faced concrete structure is a work of art. Because there are too many unsuccessful or even failed cases, most architects, construction companies and professional companies would not dare to try. However, there are still many construction groups are working hard studying and trying to make it better. The quality of the fair-faced concrete structure depends on the perfect plan and the construction technique. Everyone must be cautious with its work and show respect to others for their specialized knowledge and techniques. Each step, from the designing, supervising the constructing, has to be very careful in order to fulfill the quality standard. With this research on the fair-faced concrete and the help of the professionals in this field, this thesis is a study of the fair-faced concrete in our domestic region. The study result helps us to know the special characteristics with constricting and the weight-bearing points for the designs and managements.


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