  • 學位論文


The Research of Pillbox Usability for the Elderly

指導教授 : 黃啟梧


台灣已進入高齡化社會(Aging Society),為因應人口結構的改變,老人照護機構逐年增加,高齡者醫療議題漸受重視,以設計領域來說,高齡醫療照護系統與各式藥盒設計為多,本研究針對某款銷路最廣的藥盒進行設計改良,透過資料分析,專家訪談法、焦點團體法,瞭解使用者需求與藥盒功能概況,並經由問卷發放與分析,彙整出以下藥盒改良建議與發現: (1) 在「服從性」方面,高齡者不按時用藥、同時服用兩種以上病症的藥物的用藥問題最嚴重,因此需要提醒機制幫助病患正確用藥;(2) 在「攜帶性」方面,根據問卷分析結果,受測者對藥盒的攜帶、收納、體積與重量等方面皆感到滿意;(3) 在「記憶性」問題方面,高齡者找不到藥的情形不多,但受測者普遍有忘記吃藥,與不記得是否用過藥的情形,因此需要有提醒用藥與顯示用過藥與否的功能;(4) 在「理解性」方面,高齡者普遍可以自己理解用藥資訊,也能清楚辨識與理解藥盒上的文字,但值得一提的是,在進行問卷調查時,許多受訪者反應,藥盒上的英文字樣PM與AM難以理解意思,因此,建議拿掉此項標示;(5) 在「操作性」方面,用藥時段與藥格容量需有調整彈性;(6) 在「機構性」方面,問卷分析顯示,高齡者對藥盒加入電子功能是可以接受的,但考量到多數高齡者並不熟悉電子產品的操作模式,為降低高齡者使用產品的心理壓力,在進行電子藥盒設計時,建議應減少電子機構或介面的使用,並根據經驗法則,保留與延續舊款藥盒外型特徵與操作方法,以提升使用者的接受度。


高齡者 用藥問題 藥盒 使用性


Taiwan has entered into an aging society, in response to changing in demographic structure, not only does elderly care facilities increase year by year, but elderly health issues are also valued gradually. In the design area, most of studies focus on relationship of pill box and elderly caring system. Thus, In order to understand user’s need and function of pill box, this study addresses suggestions through Data Analysis, Expert Interview, Focus Group Interview and Questionnaires. (1) "Obedience":The subjects need a function of reminding to help them take medicine on right time and right way. (2)"Portability":The subjects satisfied with the pill box carry, storage, size and weight. (3) "Memory":Generally speaking, the subjects forget to take medicine, and they also do not remember whether they took medicine or not. So, the pill box must have function of reminding and checking. (4)"Comprehension":The subjects can understand the information of medication generally, and they also clearly identify the text on the pill-box. However, most of respondents indicated that it is hard to grasp meaning of PM and AM, so they suggested removing this label would help them to use pill box well. (5) "Operating":The capacity and the time of taking medicine of pill-box should be more flexible. (6) "Agency":Elderly accepted the electronic capabilities with pill box. However, it should reduce the use of electronic institutions or interface during designing. Besides, we need to keep old one’s features and operations. It would enhance the user's acceptance.


Elder Medication Error Pill-Box Usability


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