  • 學位論文


Investigation and Analysis of Cracks on Wet and Dry Walls

指導教授 : 倪至寬


濕、乾式骨架式輕隔間(以下簡稱濕、乾式隔間)皆為複合式牆體,其特點在於施工快速、施工變化多、材料品質穩定,但也因複合式牆體組裝完成後,牆體品質的穩定度較難控制,發生裂縫在所難免;濕、乾式隔間牆體常見的裂縫類型有板材交界、與結構對接、與結構平接、角隅及板材破壞,依不同類型的裂縫類型所引發的裂縫方向包括垂直、水平及45°方向;本研究係以濕、乾式隔間裂縫發生的特性要因圖,擬訂「骨架式輕隔間裂縫調查記錄表」,經由案例的現況調查,就其裂縫發生位置、類型、走向、裂縫長度等以記錄表逐項填寫、現場丈量及記錄,了解裂縫發生的實際狀況後,彙整相關數據做為統計分析使用,再配合適宜的品管七大手法,由調查分析成果研判各種裂縫類型、走向發生的原因,藉以擬定預防改善措施。 將各樓層之「裂縫類型分析」、「裂縫走向分析」、「裂縫走向與類型綜合分析」、「裂縫發生件數與牆面高度、寬度分析」、「裂縫發生件數與樓版結構類型分析」分別統計、分析結果得知,濕式隔間最常發生的裂縫類型為板材交界處及與結構接合處,乾式隔間最常發生的裂縫類型則為板材交界處,且有牆面愈高、愈寬,裂縫發生件數有愈多的趨勢,為減少裂縫發生的機會,查驗及預防措施應注意,板材間留有足夠間距、開口邊緣的封板不可成直線及避免二次施工等;此外施工前將結構與建築圖說套繪完成後,應會同結構與輕隔間牆施工廠商共同放樣、確認施作位置,減少施工誤差,避免增加接縫處理的困難度。


輕隔間 裂縫 品管七大手法


Wet and dry walls are both composite walls. Their feature includes rapid construction, high variability, high material quality and stability. However, due to the complicated construction process of these walls, it is difficult to control the quality of the wall and inevitably cracks occur. Common types of cracks include plate junction, docking structure, and structural level access, corners and plate damage. Crack directions include vertical, horizontal and 45° angles. This study uses the fishbone diagram to analyze all the possible reasons to cause the cracking. Records of the crack location, type, direction, length were used for statistical analysis. Once the reasons to cause cracking of wall are found, quality control methods and the development of preventive measures can be used to improve construction quality of these walls. According to the statistical results, we have found most common types of cracks. To reduce the occurrence of cracks, inspection and preventive measures should be used to improve the construction quality of these walls.


