  • 學位論文


Study on Structure-Soil Interaction of Underground Tunnel Subjected to Seismic Excitation

指導教授 : 宋裕祺


近年來,由於人口日益增加,促使都會區過度開發而導致用地日漸不足,鐵路及捷運等運輸系統逐漸的採用地下化方式興建,其優點主要為都會敷地不會由於鐵道分割造成支離破碎之情形,可活化都會土地的使用,此外,平交道設施亦可因而免除,避免有故障而傳交通事故,因此地下隧道結構儼然為高度開發都會區所不可或缺的公共設施。 台灣位屬環太平洋地震帶,地震發生頻繁,有關地下隧道結構之耐震行為之探討實屬重要。在相關設計規範中明確揭櫫其行為必須考慮土壤與結構之互制效應,然因其互制行為複雜,工程師對地下隧道受地震作用之模擬分析,大多採用強制變位法,其結果可能會趨於過度保守。因此,本研究將提出二種分析方法解決此一問題:(1) 將地盤變位透過等值土壤彈簧傳達至結構體上,繼而進行側推分析,並與規範規定值進行比較與驗證;(2) 建置有限元素模型進行動力歷時分析,最後再探討此二種分析方式之差異性,本文所得結果可供為地下隧道結構耐震分析之用。


This thesis intends to study seismic behavior of underground tunnel. Time history analysis of the finite element model considering soil, underground tunnel structure via software of OpenSEES was conducted to observe the situation of amplification of seismic wave from rock to ground surface as well as structural response of tunnel. The complicated soil-structure interaction was taken into account in this study and the seismic behavior of ground tunnel was able to be obtained and discussed. In addition, the pushover analysis that is familiar to engineers having a better understanding of structural nonlinearity was introduced to deal with this issue. A simplification model was proposed and analytical results obtained were compared with those of time history analysis. The result shows the proposed pushover analysis gives engineers not only a straightforward insight of seismic behavior for underground tunnel but also a rapid and precious analysis. The result obtained form this thesis can benefit engineers in seismic design of practical engineering.


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