  • 學位論文


Well-known Trademark Protection under the Taiwan Trademark Act

指導教授 : 陳秉訓


著名商標的高知名度能夠吸引消費者的同時,也容易引起不肖競爭者,非法利用其著名程度,混淆消費者誤認商品來源,或搭便車攀附他人良好商譽,使其不用負擔高額行銷成本,亦能趁機攫取消費者信賴、瓜分市場,影響公平競爭。 現行有關著名商標之保護,規範於商標法第30條第11項、第70條與商標法施行細則第31條,以及行政規則「第30條第1項第11款著名商標審查基準」。為了能夠進一步了解著名商標全貌,本文試回顧過去國際法所保護之著名商標,及探究影響台灣商標法制頗深之美國法,再鳥瞰台灣商標法與歷來行政裁量基準沿革史,以達到了解現行台灣商標法對於著名商標保護精神的目的。最後研析台灣最高法院判決,以深入剖析法院實務對著名商標爭議之見解。


著名商標 減損 擬制侵權


The fame of well-known trademarks can attract consumers and cause competitors in the meanwhile to use well-known mark illegally, make consumers fall into confusion as to the source of the goods/services or free-riding. They don’t have to cost high marketing fee but grab trust of consumers, occupy market or affect fair competition. The statues of protection well-known trademarks are Article 30(11) and 70 of Trademark Act, Article 31 of Enforcement Rules of the Trademark Act and Examination Guidelines for the Protection of Well-known Trademarks under Subparagraph 11 of Paragraph 1 of Article 30 of the Trademark Act. In order to understand well-known trademark more, the thesis researches important international trademark conventions and U.S. statues and cases and analyze legislative history of Trademark law and Examination Guidelines then generalize arguments from well-known trademark cases of the Supreme Court.


Well-known Mark dilution


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