  • 學位論文


A Study of Using Game Theory Approach for Product Price and Advertising Cost Sharing in Supply Chain

指導教授 : 王明展


在供應鏈中,製造商生產出來的產品,必須透過一些行銷手法,將產品訊息傳送給消費者,藉此刺激消費者的購買慾望,使其產生購買的行為。一般最常使用的行銷手法即是廣告(Advertising)。製造商對其產品進行廣告,主要是要增加品牌形象,而零售商進行廣告,則是要讓潛在消費者產生立即性購買的刺激。而廣告費用分攤在行銷活動中扮演著非常重要的角色,其為製造商與零售商之間的一種互動關係,藉此其中一方可以負擔較少的廣告成本。 在通路中含有單一製造商與兩個零售商下,同時探討由製造商分攤零售商區域性廣告費用與零售商分攤製造商全國性廣告費用兩個議題。前者將全國性、區域性廣告水準、廣告分攤率及零售價視為決策變數;後者,加入考量價格折扣因子,並將折扣因子與廣告分攤率都視為參數。在兩個議題下皆探討零售商間廣告之三種效果:獨立、加乘及與產品價格具交互作用效果;並在獨立效果下,加入議價問題做分析。本研究主要是依賽局理論建立兩個非合作策略(Manufacturer-Stackelberg、Nash),及一個合作策略(Cooperative game),進行分析。最後,應用數值例子於各模式中,進行模式分析比較。


In the supply chain, manufacturer’s product must use some marketing method to pass the information of product to consumer, thereby stimulate their buying will and encourage their buying behavior. The most popular marketing method is “Advertising”. The main purpose of manufacturer’s use of national advertising is to increase the image of the brand, as for the retailers, they use local advertising to let potential consumer have an impulse of buying immediately. Advertising cost sharing plays an important role in the marketing activity, it is an interactive relationship between the manufacturer and the retailer, by using this method, one of them can share less advertising cost.   Under the circumstance where there is only one manufacturer and two retailers in the supply chain, we will discuss two issues in this thesis:the manufacture’s sharing the retailer’s local advertising cost and the retailer’s sharing the manufacturer’s national advertising cost. The first issue will take national, local advertising level, advertisement sharing rate and retail price as decision variables; the second issue will take price discount factor and advertisement sharing rate as parameters. In both issues we will discuss the three effects of the retails’ advertisement: independent, synergistic effect and product prices interactive effect. Under independent effect, we will include bargaining problem to conduct the analysis. This study is based on the Game Theory to build up two non-cooperative game (Manufacturer-Stackelberg, Nash), and one Cooperative game to conduct analysis. Finally, numerical examples are applied to models for analysis and to comparison.


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