  • 學位論文


Optimal Active-Reactive Power Dispatch Using a Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II

指導教授 : 曹大鵬


本論文應用多目標演算法於電力系統有效功率與無效功率最佳化調度。過去有許多文獻分別探討有效功率之最佳化調度亦即經濟調度,以及無效功率之最佳化調度,即為最佳電力潮流。本文提出以多目標演算法,來協調兩者之最佳化。目標函數設定為無效功率調度之中的最小輸電線損失,與有效功率最佳化之最小發電成本,藉由非凌駕解集合協調多目標函數。 本研究主題在考量多目標函數之最大難題為多組適應值難以評估優劣,使得不易求得最佳解;因此,本論文應用非凌駕排序基因演算法來求解。藉由本方法所具有處理相互非凌駕資訊的能力,進而求得整體最佳解之特點來求得最佳化;並透過IEEE 30-bus之系統來驗證效能。


The thesis using the multi-objective optimization algorithm to solve the optimal active-reactive power dispatch problem in power system. There are many research about reactive power dispatch and economic dispatch with different evolution algorithm had been discussed individually. The thesis integrates both of them by multi-objective optimization algorithm. The object is to obtain less transmission loss and minimum cost by non-dominated solutions at same time. The hardest part of the multi-objective function is to evaluate the value of the fitness. Therefore, has been developed in the thesis method which is able to process non-dominated set to solve the problem by non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II (NSGA-II). The method also can obtain the optimal solution in all of object functions, and be validated by the IEEE 30-bus system.


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