  • 學位論文


Development of Multirate Digital Controller for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor

指導教授 : 陳金聖


本文提出一多取樣頻率永磁同步馬達數位控制器,採用自行開發之軟硬體架構,實現馬達向量控制器及伺服控制器。本文所提出之數位控制器,在架構上具有高彈性,模組化及易於除錯與管理之優點;在控制上可有效降低外部干擾因子,提供良好之強健性與控制性能。並且在不降低控制性能的前提下,能夠提昇微處理器運算效率。 本文採用德州儀器公司TMS320C6711 DSP與Xilinx公司 Spartan-II XC2S50 FPGA,分別規劃成嵌入式控制系統之運算核心,以及微處理器與馬達驅動器、I/O之橋接介面。馬達驅動器部份,向量控制器採用磁場導向控制(Flux Orient Control;FOC)技術,使馬達具有良好之轉矩輸出能力,並且運轉順暢;伺服控制器採用Cascade控制器架構來完成,乃利用內迴路控制器高頻寬設計,降低受控變數對外迴路之影響。內外迴路採用多取樣頻率(Multirate)之加速度、速度及位置回授數位控制,可減少系統運算負荷,但仍能達到與單一快速取樣頻率相同之效能。由於外部干擾及馬達參數變動對控制性能之影響甚鉅,故採用一基於參考模型適應性控制(Model Reference Adaptive Control;MRAC)之干擾補償器進行補償,使整體控制迴路不易受外部干擾與馬達參數變動影響,提高系統之精度。 最後,充分利用自行開發之控制平台,將伺服控制核心拆解成數個工作模組,實現本文之數位控制器架構。透過模擬與實驗結果,驗證本文所提出之數位控制器穩定性佳並且控制性能良好,確實完成在軟硬體架構下之永磁同步馬達數位控制器。


This thesis proposes a multirate digital controller for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM), which is based on architecture of software-hardware co-design. The Advantages of the proposed architecture are flexibility, modulization, and encapsulation. Moreover, the proposed control algorithms decrease the influence of disturbance and parameter variation, and increase robustness and performance. This thesis develops the architecture of software-hardware co-design based on TI TMS320C6711 DSP and XILINX Spartan-II XC2S50 FPGA. The operating kernel of controllers and interface between microprocessor and motor driver are designed in the DSP and FPGA, respectively. The proposed controllers include vector controller and servo controller which are realized in the DSP. The vector controller is designed with Flux Orient Control (FOC) technique which can improve torque output of motor. The servo controller is based on the methodology of cascade control, which includes inner acceleration feedback controller and outer position/speed controller. The inner loop and outer loop controllers are implemented with multirate digital control, which improve operating efficiency of control algorithms. As a result of the influence of disturbance and parameter variation, a disturbance compensator based on Model Reference Adaptive Control (MRAC) is proposed. The disturbance compensator eliminates disturbance and parameter variation to increase precision of control system. This thesis realizes a DSP-based multirate digital controller using the architecture of software-hardware co-design. Finally, the simulated and experimented results show that the proposed controller, compared with traditional fast single rate control, sustains the same controlled performance.


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