  • 學位論文


Study of Construction Mode for Vehicie Service Manual

指導教授 : 蔡國隆


在先進國家中,汽車產業是國家經濟繁榮與工業發展的重要指標,對於國家之經濟發展影響甚鉅。然台灣因受限於市場腹地狹小且缺乏原物料,而較難與國外廠商競爭,因此國內之汽車品牌多援引自國外大廠。而此諸大品牌之母公司自產品設計、開發、生產、製造、組裝、品質檢驗、成車、行銷、售後服務等,均有其一連貫之作業流程及模式,故台灣國內之代理商似乎僅須依循其規劃便可順利推行營運。然而實際面並非僅只於此,以「售後服務」一環言之,除標準流程外,尚須顧慮到各國間不同之民情風俗及行事習慣差異,否則除了難以得到顧客認同外,更易生事端而有損企業形象。在如此情況之下,於第一線面對顧客之售後服務部門及現場維修人員,可說是成敗的關鍵之一。如何提供他們最佳的支援及訓練,便是各家廠商之重要課題。   現行各家車廠對售後服務部門之訓練方式,除教育訓練課程外,最重要的就是「車輛修護手冊」之建構與編訂。目前國內除納智捷公司內有獨立負責組織外,其於車廠均僅翻譯母公司原文手冊為用。因此本研究旨在以「車輛修護手冊建構模式」為主題,分別就台灣汽車產業與售後服務發展之概況、ISO 9001修護手冊管理程序、修護手冊編撰內容及使用軟體加以分析與探討,並使用半結構訪談法,深入了解多家汽車品牌之售後服務部門與現場維修人員,針對車輛修護手冊四大面向:1.制定的政策 2.內容架構 3.排版軟體 4.查詢方式,訪談使用後心得,並對於不足或缺失處提出建言與期望。   「工欲善其事,必先利其器。」藉由此項研究,盼能提供業界於編纂車輛修護手冊之參考,使售服及維修人員可以更完美實用之工具,達到售後服務的最高品質。


修護手冊 ISO 訪談法


In developed countries, automobile industry is an important index for a country’s economic prosperity and industrial development, which has tremendous influence on a country’s economic development. However, due to the limitations in narrow home market and lack of raw materials, it is harder for Taiwan to compete against foreign companies. Therefore, most of the automobile brands within our country are imported from big foreign factories. The parent companies of such big brands all have their own consistent operation procedures and models, from product design, development, production, manufacture, assembly, quality inspection, vehicle completion, marketing, to after-sale service and so on; thus, it seems that the commercial agents in Taiwan can smoothly carry out their operation merely by following these schemes. However, the reality is not as it seems. Take “after-sale service” for example. In addition to standard procedures, different folk customs and the disparity in habits between countries should be taken into account otherwise, either customer identification is hard to be obtained or incidents may happen easily and thus business image will be jeopardized. Under such a circumstance, the personnel in after-sale service departments as well as on-site maintenance personnel, who face customers in the front line, can practically be the keys to success or failure. Consequently, it has become an important issue for each company in terms of how to provide these personnel with best support and trainings. As for each company’s training ways for after-sale service departments, the most important one is the establishment and compilation of “Automobile Service Manual”, in addition to educational training courses. Within our country at present, only LUXGEN Motors has its own internal independent responsible organization, while other auto factories all provide these manuals merely by translating the original service manuals from their parent companies. Therefore, this study has the topic concerning “the Establishment Model for Automobile Service Manual”, aiming to analyze and explore the general situation of Taiwan’s automobile industry and after-sale service development, ISO9001 service manual management procedure, compilation of service manuals, and the software used. Also, Semi-structural Interviews were adopted, to have deeper understanding about the personnel in after-sale service departments as well as on-site maintenance personnel in many automobile brands, who were interviewed regarding their thoughts after using automobile service manuals, in terms of the four dimensions of automobile service manuals-1. Chapter Arrangement, 2. Content Structure, 3. Typesetting Software, 4. Inquiring Way. Besides, some pieces of advice and anticipation aimed at insufficiencies or deficiencies were also provided. “To do a good job, one must first sharpen one's tools”. This study aims to provide the industry with reference for compilation of automobile service manual, so that after-sale and maintenance personnel can achieve the best after-sale service quality by more perfect and useful tools.


Service Manual ISO Interview Method


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