  • 學位論文


Fight against Online Copyright Piracy: A Case Study of Korean Film Industry

指導教授 : 陳秉訓


智慧財產權本身之定義為保護人類「心智結晶成果」的手段,其方式可從商業層面與法制層面兩個面向進行探討,而其創意的產生與衍生的價值,適度合理的保護以及流通與運用加值方式等,係為智慧財產權真正的價值所在。著作權不僅用來保護國內文化資產與創作,當我國於現實中面對於全球化的競爭市場時,需要透過國內外之合作來保護我國之著作權產業,甚至著作權法本身也不斷地受到國際條約或商業貿易之影響而不斷地調整。故,如何藉由著作權來保護自己的國家的文化與爭取利益,係為本論文之研究重點與爭議所在。於1952年簽署的「世界著作權公約」也規定著作權保護之標的為「文學、科學,與藝術創作」,同時也包涵了電影著作,電影產業於著作權產業中,相對地投資成本與風險高,且後續的附加價值大,更是著作權應該保護之核心。 我國政府自2002 年宣示為「推動保護智慧財產權行動年」後,加強執法能力之專業培訓,然而,網路服務提供者對於使用人利用其服務侵害著作權案件是否應負法律責任,此部份仍有許多爭議。故,本論文係從知識經濟與全球化帶來的全球合作與競爭關係為背景,以著作權產業中最具延伸效益的電影產業為中心,並以韓國電影產業與著作權為例,來討論著作權中公開傳輸權的合理空間,以及韓國於2009年加入了「三振條款」,以作為我國著作權法調整之方向。


The meaning of intellectual property represents the rights given to people protecting creations of their minds. Hence, it may be discussed and concerned in two aspects of business model and legal concept to examine the production for creativeness and added value. The establishment of the meaning for intellectual property relies on the appropriate protection, distribution and use. It has been seen that copyright is not only the key to protect national culture and works but also forceing international cooperation and defending from piracy while entering into the global competitive market. However, copyright act has been enacted and amended continuously to adjust the international convention and commerce activities. Therefore, the progressing way of copyright for securing cultural development and benefit reveals the goal of this study. The Universal Copyright Convention signed in 1952, and one of its subject matter is the Works of Literature, Science and Art, moreover, Cinematographic Works also being categorized in this area. Especially, Cinematographic Works belong to the cultural and creative industries, with high investment capital and a great amount of added value behind. Our government declared the year of 2002 was promoting action to protect the intellectual property, reinforcing the professional training of enforcement. However, it has been controversial that Internet Service Provider should take whole responsibility or not, while users conducted illegal behavior. Hence, the thesis starts at the global cooperation and competition by knowledge economy and globalization, around on the film industry which may produce huge benefit in the copyright industries. Therefore, taking Korean Film Industry and copyright act as a study case, for the research of the public transmission and “three strikes” induced in 2009, to give comment on the amending aspect to copyright in our country.


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