  • 學位論文


Discussions on Excavation Work of Security Monitoring and Disaster Management

指導教授 : 林利國


深開挖工程雖在國內已執行多年,進而累積了相當豐富的工程經驗,然於南港地區的深開挖工程研究案例則較為少見;因該區是屬軟弱地質且全年雨量豐富不亞於基隆市;此外,國內以災害案例配合實務施工探討安全觀測系統監測管理機制,包括警戒值、行動值、觀測頻率及緊急應變對策之災害管理研究課題較為少數,故本研究乃以此為研究之主題。 本論文乃探討深開挖工程施工時對鄰產保護可能遭遇的各種地下不確定性因素,針對深開挖工法、災變破壞原因與分析,並配合實務施工案例研擬適切的安全觀測系統管理模式,以對各種不確定性因素進行監測分析;研究之執行程序乃係先藉由文獻收集方式,整理工程施工實際案例說明、分析與危機處理及災害案例彙整、分析災變原因,最後則針對研究案例安全觀測系統之管理機制做整合,包括警戒值、行動值、觀測頻率及緊急應變因應對策之關係探討,並與其他災害案例做比較;相關研究成果可供未來類似深開挖工程之參考。


In Taiwan, the Deep Excavation Project has been carrying out for many years so we have extensive experience in excavation construction. However, the Deep Excavation case is rarely seen in Nankang because of the weakness in structural geology and the abundant annual rainfall. In addition, disaster cases coordinate with the discussion of safety observation system in a pragmatic way that can monitor governance mechanisms, including the security value, the motion value, the observation frequency and the emergency response to management of disasters. Therefore, we aim to study about the discussions on Excavation Work of Security Monitoring and Disaster Management. The paper investigates the various uncertainly parameters that can influence building protection during excavation work. Refer to the methods of deep excavation and the analysis of convulsion of nature, we design appropriate model of safety observation system based on the construction case. Furthermore, we make a deep analysis on every uncertainty factors. There are following steps we will carry out in this paper, including the detailed information concerning the Deep Excavation Project, the description of construction cases, the analysis in crisis management and the disaster cases, and the causes of the catastrophic crisis. Finally, we sort out the study case referring to the safety observation system, including the security value, the motion value, the observation frequency, the emergency response to management of disasters, and the comparison in different disaster cases. We could provide the result of study as a reference to help the future research.


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