  • 學位論文


Production of Colorful Microstructure Materials from Incinerator Ash Based Slag

指導教授 : 鄭大偉


台灣地區垃圾處理方式係以焚化處理為主,估計每年將產生150-200萬噸之焚化灰渣。此等灰渣因含有戴奧辛及重金屬等有害物質,若未加以妥善處理,勢必對生態環境造成嚴重之危害。本研究係採用電漿高溫熔融處理技術,將焚化灰渣予以熔融處理,所得的安定化之玻璃質熔渣加入著色劑再經燒結熱處理後製成彩色微晶材料,使微晶材料能具有不同的色澤,有助於建材產業之推廣應用並可解決國內焚化灰渣處理的問題。 研究結果顯示,添加二氧化鈦製成的粉紅色微晶材料,其主要結晶相為鈣鈦礦、鈣鋁黃長石、矽灰石及鈣長石;添加二氧化錳製成的黑色微晶材料,其結晶相為鈣鋁黃長石、三斜錳輝石、鈣鋁石及氧化錳;添加氧化鐵製成的紅棕色微晶材料,其結晶相為鈣鋁黃長石、赤鐵礦及矽灰石;添加CP-236釉藥製成的藍色微晶材料,其結晶相為鈣鋁黃長石、鋁酸鈷及矽灰石。各種彩色微晶材料之基本物理性質、機械強度及化學抗蝕性均佳,其重金屬溶出率亦符合法規標準,為具有商業應用潛力的再生環保材料。


Incineration is the major process to treat the municipal solid waste (MSW) in Taiwan. It is estimated that these incinerators shall produce over 1.5 to 2.0 million tones of incinerator ash annually. Incinerator ash contain large amount of hazardous materials such as dioxins and heavy metals. If these hazardous materials cannot be carefully treated, it shall endanger the ecological environment. This research work used thermal plasma technology to treat incinerator ash. The vitreous slag mixed with coloring agents can be converted into the colorful microstructure materials by sintering and heat treatment procedure. During the manufacture processes, coloring agents were used to change the color of the microstructure materials for making high value colorful building materials. Therefore, it provides an effective solution to dispose of the hazardous incinerator ash residues which are to be generated and stocked in Taiwan. The experimental results showed that the major crystalline phases of the pink-colored microstructure materials by adding titaninm dioxide powder were perovskite, gehlenite, wollastonite and anorthite. The major mineral phases of the black-colored microstructure materials by adding manganese dioxide powder were gehlenite, pyroxmangite, mayenite and manganese oxide. For brick red-colored microstructure materials, the major crystalline phases by adding iron oxide powder were gehlenite, hematite and wollastonite. By adding CP-236 glaze as the coloring agent, the blue-colored microstructure materials were obtained, and the mineral phases were gehlenite, cobalt aluminum oxide and wollastonite. The physical/mechanical and chemical anticorrosion properties of the colorful microstructure materials were great. On the other hand, the leaching test results of heavy metals of the colorful microstructure materials were much lower than regulatory standards. These colorful microstructure materials have great potential for construction applications.


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