  • 學位論文


A Study of The Application with Value Engineering in Construction Industry

指導教授 : 林祐正 林利國


本論文以某營造廠所承攬之成本加成的實際工程為例,說明營造施工單位如何有效的利用公司既有之企業資源規劃(Enterprise Resource Planning)中包含的知識管理(Knowledge Management )及供應鏈管理(Supply Chain Management )等系統資料庫,並利用腦力激盪(Brain storming)之方式,產生各種不同的替代方法,以創造出價值工程,進而達成與業主雙贏的局面。 本研究內容主要是以營造廠將價值工程應用在所承攬負責施工的工程為例,說明營造廠亦可在施工前即規劃多種不同的施工方法,並藉由已建立之工料單價分析資料庫計算出各工法之預期成本,以及根據知識管理系統及廠商評鑑系統計算出可能縮短之工期及其可行性,進而比較其優劣後,選出一個最佳的施工方案。本研究的執行流程乃從確定研究主題開始,隨即進行國內外文獻探討及資料收集,經過初步的整理及分析後,再針對不同工程個案進行專家訪談、並以實際案例說明探討。經本研究之執行計達到以下四項成果: 1. 探討營造公司在施工與規劃作業導入價值工程之作法。 2. 有效降低營造公司之成本花費,提昇公司競爭力。 3. 使營造廠之獲利增加,進而使得員工獲得更高之績效獎金,凝聚員工向心力。 4. 建立導入價值工程之標準作業程序 (SOP),供相關工程人員參考。


This present paper is predicated on the case study of the cost-plus engineering works taken on by a certain contractor in order to expatiate on how the contractor can come up with alternatives by way of Knowledge Management and Supply Chain Management system data base and also used the Brain Storming to create Value Engineering leading to a Win-Win situation. This research pivots on some case examples of an value engineering application by a contractor to their works and is to set out that contractor can plan on different ways of implementation of their works before commencement. In so doing, they can work out their costs of works scheduled by benchmarking to pick out the best implementation method. This research commenced upon confirmation of the research title and was followed by domestic and overseas literature search and data collection. After an initial screening and analysis with illustration and interpretation of practical cases, expert interviews were carried out on a case by case basis. Through the implementation of this research, four outcomes were obtained: 1. Discussion of how the constructor applies Value Engineering on construction method and plan. 2. Reducing construction cost effectively and increasing company competitiveness. 3. Increased the contractor’s profit and leading to higher incentive bonuses and coherence among employees. 4. Establishment of induction into the SOP of Value Engineering for engineering personnel's reference


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