  • 學位論文


The Study of Construction Hazard of Risk Assessment of bridge Advanced Shoring Method

指導教授 : 張寬勇


交通部國道新建工程局成立以來負責國內所有國道路網之規劃、設計與建造。在國家建設計畫中,交通運輸工程建設佔了相當大的百分比。後續規劃的國道路線多行經山區受地形限制,為適應都市化及山坡地多的地形,以及穿越都會區時,節省土地使用面積,因此多以橋梁形式通過。為求施工速度快,又能兼顧工程品質,因此積極引進多項橋梁工程新技術及新工法。台灣雖已累積相當多之施工經驗,但施工職業災害仍時有耳聞並未因此而降低發生次數。隨著國道路網擴展,橋梁所佔比例越來越多,各種橋梁施工工法被應用,支撐先進工法在二高興建時期被廣泛應用。橋梁多為高處作業,因此在各項施工作業項目過程中,仍具許多不確定性與風險。   有鑑於此,本研究先透過橋梁施工災害、風險管理與風險評估相關文獻進行分析與整理,針對各項施工作業項目,進一步評估其風險因子,再輔以模糊理論作為計算施工災害風險程度之方法,進而推估各項作業項目施工時所發生風險值,案例模擬得到風險值,將其轉化為適用之風險評價。案例中風險評價結果為60,與設定符合,屬中度危險的風險,可接受但需作風險管制,使改善後之風險降至極低危險度,達到風險管控之目的。


In Taiwan's national development plan, transportation construction projects accounted for a large percentage. Follow-up planned over the country roads passing through mountainous line limited by the terrain, urbanization and the hillside to meet the multi-terrain, and across the metropolitan area, the savings in land use area, so mostly through in the form of bridge. For the sake of construction speed, and take care of construction quality, so actively introducing a number of engineering new technology and new engineering methods. Although Taiwan's accumulated quite a lot of construction experience, but the construction occupational hazards are still heard from time to time has not decreased occurrence. With the national road network expansion, increasing the proportion of bridges, various bridge construction method is applied, Advancing Shoring Method during the Second Freeway construction has been widely used. The bridge is mostly the homework of height, so in every construction homework project, still have a lot of uncertainty and risk.   In this research, first through the bridge construction disasters, risk management and risk assessment literature analysis and sorting operations for the construction project, and further assess their risk factors, supplemented by fuzzy theory for calculating the construction process of disaster risk level methods, and then estimate the time of the operation the risk of project construction value, case simulated risk values to be translated into the applicable risk assessment. Case risk assessment results for the 60, the risk is moderate risk, acceptable subject to the risk control, to improve the risk decreased to very low risk level, to achieve risk control purposes.


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