  • 學位論文


The development of antimicrobial mouthwash without alcohol and antibacteria agent addition

指導教授 : 方旭偉 林峯輝 林俊彬


現代人無法定期做口腔衛生保健,因而使用漱口水來替代。市面上的漱口水種類繁多,其中主要的抑菌成分為酒精、氟化合物、Chlorhexidine 等,這些成分長時間使用對人體有二次傷害的威脅,故為了減少對口腔有害的微生物並且取代抑菌成分,本研究使用γ-PGA(γ-Polyglutamic acid)取代其市面上漱口水刺激的抑菌成分,以達到口腔潔淨之功效。 在評估市售不同廠牌的漱口水及不同濃度γ- PGA 抑菌漱口水之抑菌效果中顯示,γ- PGA濃度在10000ppm時抑菌效果達98%與市售漱口水抑菌效果相當,結果證實了γ- PGA在漱口水中作為主要抑菌成份是有其功效的。而由WST-8與LDH的測試結果顯示市售漱口水因組成分有些是添加高含量的酒精、多種複方精油以及CHX作為主要抑菌成份,所以導致細胞存活率遠低於γ- PGA 抑菌漱口水,但本研發漱口水的主要抑菌成份為γ- PGA,相對比較之下,及對人體較無傷害之餘。在基因毒性試驗中得知γ- PGA漱口水確實不會造成去氧核醣核酸的傷害且不具有基因毒性。因此,本研究所研發之不含酒精及抗菌劑之抗菌漱口水具有相當潛力,故在未來具有取代市面上漱口水之可行性。


Human can not have regular oral health care, and thus use mouthwash instead. Mouthwash market variety, one of the major antibacterial ingredients for alcohol, fluorine compounds, Chlorhexidine, but these ingredients have prolonged use of secondary damage to human oral health. In order to reduce the harmful microbes and supersedes oral antibacterial ingredients. This study used γ-PGA (γ-Polyglutamic acid) instead of mouthwash ingredients its market to stimulate antibacterial to achieve the effect of oral cleanliness. To show the antibacterial effect, we compared the different brands of commercially antibacterial mouthwash with different concentrations of γ-PGA in 10000ppm have 98% antibacterial effect and antibacterial effect similar to commercial mouthwash.The result confirm add γ-PGA in mouthwash as antibacterial ingredient is effective. By the WST-8 and LDH test result, commercial mouthwash show low cell survival rate. Because of their composition have high levels of alcohol, various essential oils and CHX compound that as the main antibacterial ingredients. We use γ-PGA as the antibacterial ingredient, it’s no harm to human body and no genotoxic. In genotoxic test show mouthwash containing γ-PGA don’t cause DNA damage. Therefor, we develop a antibacterial mouthwash without alcohol and antibacterial agent. It has the potential to replace commercial mouthwash in the future.


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