  • 學位論文


Production and verification of unmanned aerial vehicle derived digital terrain model

指導教授 : 張國楨


近年來無人飛行載具(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle,UAV)開始被廣泛的應用於治安情蒐、災害防救、軍事用途、大型慶典...等,同時UAV整合了全球定位系統(Global Positioning System,GPS)、慣性儀系統,操控方式已經能夠由手動操控變為自動駕駛的情況,大幅降低整體操控難度,並且增加了飛行的安全性與穩定性,也使得所拍攝的影像更加清晰,且UAV機動性高可快速獲取所需影像,飛行高度低所以容易獲得影像解析度高的照片,更加有助於建置高精度的數值地形模型。 本研究以猴山岳、光復等地區為例,利用無人飛行載具獲取研究區域的最新影像,應用Pix4UAV快速建置數值地形模型,由既有的高精度座標資料搭配航空影像及即時動態測量(Real Time Kinematic,RTK)與GPS來設置地面控制點,由所建置出的數值地形模型與光復地區現有資料相比較。依據所建置的數值地形模型,利用精度控管指標先行評估數值地面模型(Digital Surface Model, DSM)之平均高程誤差、標準差、差異極大值與極小值,並呈現出誤差常態分布圖,以評估模型之精確。再經由高密度不規則點雲資料之處理,去除雜訊、地表樹木與人造建物後,再產製出數值高程模型(Digital Elevation Model, DEM),再與現有實測資料做比對。本研究依據現有的高精度DSM及DEM資料為基準,來評估所建置的數值地形模型之高程精度評估。


Benefits of the advancing of informatics, remote-sensing and electric technologies, the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) photogrammetry has been improved significantly. In recent years unmanned aerial vehicles have begun to be used increasingly in security intelligence gathering, disaster prevention, military applications, large celebrations ... etc. , while the UAVS integrates a miniaturized commercial GPS and an Inertial Navigation System(INS). In this studied we try to evaluate the Microdrones MD4-1000 UAV airphotos derived Digital Terrain Model (DTM). This research, Houshanyue , Kungfu and other regions, use unmanned aerial vehicles to obtain the latest images of the area, the application Pix4UAV to build digital terrain model. Both used the real-time kinematic to measurements ground control points data and Lidar data to build Digital Terrain Model. Furthermore, according to the DTM , the Precision Control Index is used to assess the DSM Average Vertical Error, Standard Deviation, Worse Maximum, and Worse Minimum, forming Error Normal Distribution whose Peak Graph help us ensure that the accuracy is in ideal condition. In this study, based on the Lidar DSM and DEM data as a benchmark, to assess the value of the DTM accuracy assessment.


【4】陳英煥、蔡展榮,「空照數位像機拍攝高重疊影像匹配高密度點雲」,航測及遙測學刊,第十三卷,第三期,2008,第219-230 頁。
【19】趙宥睿,數值地形模型精度評估及應用-以猴山岳地滑區為例,碩士論文, 國立臺北科技大學土木與防災研究所,台北,2012。


