  • 學位論文


A Study of the Management of Safety and Health-A Case of Major Occupational Accident in Taipei

指導教授 : 林祐正


承攬作業情況存在於各行各業,例如年度機械或設備歲修、密閉槽體清洗、臨時或例行性修繕工程承攬、乃至於營建工程的發包承攬施作等,由於這些工作本身具高度的危險性,而專業分工之承攬關係相對複雜,另露天作業深受地形及氣候影響、施工機具逐漸大型化與複雜化、不同種類工種的人員共同作業、或因勞動從業人員素質普遍較低且流動率高等特性,使得承攬的風險居高不下。 台北市近十年承攬人發生重大職業災害比例分析,其中原事業單位佔39%、承攬人佔61%。綜合上述,顯示原事業單位交付承攬後,未設置協議組織進行協議及承攬管理或者未積極發揮其應有的功能,與職業災害的發生顯然有相當關係。 本次研究問卷調查,原事業單位發出問卷80份回收有效問卷61份、承攬人發出問卷120份回收有效問卷100份,而問卷統計結果顯示:原事業單位與承攬人雙方在職業災害發生原因上,普遍認為不安全的環境與不安全的行為兼具比例最高、不安全的行為次之,影響職業災害之因素大多認為以勞工安全衛生意識最重要、雇主之重視次之,勞工安全衛生管理人員則以兼任偏多,交付承攬選擇原因以承攬價格及以往配合度最高,以承攬人安全衛生績效做考量者卻只佔各位數的百分比,可見業界對安全衛生重視程度不若工程實績與承包價格,而經常分包或偶而分包比例約佔七成,可見層層分包嚴重,另協議組織會議執行不落實、安全衛生經費不足、教育訓練不確實、相關雇主對安全衛生不重視等均為發生職業災害之原因,值得勞工行政管理機關及事業單位與勞動從業人員之重視與省思。 綜觀歷年職災統計數據與實際問卷調查分析可知業界在企業利潤與職場安全衛生的相對考量下,多以企業生產績效與營業獲利為優先考量,雖然相關法令已列有相當規定與準則供企業依循,但若經一段時間未發生相關職災意外情形下,企業又會將營利列為優先目標而忽略了相關安全管理應有作為,企業要成長及永續經營,固然在生產、銷售乃至於企業獲利等方面都要努力以赴,但安全衛生也不能忽視,如果沒做好它,企業也將沒有明日。從先進國家發展的經驗,尊重生命的安全工作已是企業及社會共同的看法與不可不重視的趨勢。而國內企業安全管理及執行態度通常較先進工業國家企業為差,其最主要因素為企業主不重視安全,企業安全管理不良所致,但安全管理為安全文化的基礎,不重視安全,企業的安全文化當然也不良。良好安全文化必須長期努力建立,期望國內企業都能朝著建立進步的安全衛生管理系統,持續檢討改進。如此不僅可塑造良好的安全文化,進一步保障勞工的安全健康,同時也能確保企業的永續經營。


Contracting operations exist in all trades, such as Annual Machinery or Equipment Repair or Maintenance, Cleaning of Closed Tank and Vessel, Contracting for Spot or Routine Repair works and the contracting and construction of construction works. Since all these works are highly risky and the contracting relationship among different trades for the same work is relatively complicate. Also, the serious effects of terrain and climate in outdoor operations, complicate and bulky construction machine and equipment, personnel of different specialties working together, or lowering labor quality and increased fluidity of labor forces are singly or jointly stacking up the contracting risks. When inspecting the major occupational disasters occurred in Taipei in the past 10 years, it is found that 39% of them may be blame on the owners, while 61% of them are attributable to contractors. It is believed that the high frequency of occupational disaster is obviously related to the failure of the owner in setting up a coordinating body for responsibility distribution and that the contractor management failed to exert its functions. In this research, 80 copies to different owners were sent and recovered 61 valid copies and 120 copies were distributed to contractors with 120 valid copies recovered. The result of statistical processing of the questionnaires shows that both owners and contractors attribute occurrence of occupational disaster mostly to the joint effect of unsafe environment and unsafe behaviors and the next is the effect of unsafe behavior. They regard the awareness of labor safety and health of worker as the most important factor affecting occupational disasters, the highlighting of owner comes the next. High percentage of the labor safety and health management personnel is on part-time basis. The causes for contracting out are prices and previous cooperation, with less than 10% consideration is given to safety and health performance of contractor. Apparently, in this field, safety and health account less than job performance and contracting prices. Subcontracting frequently and occasionally jointly accounts for 70% of the jobs. Apparently the multi-level subcontracting is quite prevailing. Also, the coordinating meeting not exerting the functions, insufficient spending in safety and health, inadequate training and the less emphasis of owner in safety and health are all causes leading to occupational disaster. All the above findings worth the considerations and thinking of labor administrative agencies, business entities and workers. Based on the historical statistical occupational disaster data and the analysis of the field questionnaire survey, it is found that production performance and earning have the priority over workplace safety and health in the mind of owners. Although there is no lack of regulations, rule and practices in place to be followed, business entities will bounce back to profit leading mentality when no occurrence of occupational disaster for a period of time and the safety management and all practices required will be neglected. A business needs to grow to last long, it has to endeavor in production, sales and other profit seeking activities, but without commitment to safety and health issues, it is likely that it will see no tomorrow. According to the development experience of advanced countries, respecting life safety work is already the common understanding of business entities and the society, and it is a trend not supposed to be neglected or missed. Domestic business entities are lagging behind the advanced countries in the respect of safety management and attitude in execution. The main reason is that the owners give insufficient attention to safety issue and poor safety management. As safety management is the base of safety culture and without focusing on safety, the safety culture of business entities will certainly compromised. The safety culture may be established with long term endeavoring. It is hoped that domestic enterprises will pay sufficient attention in building up advanced safety and health management system and keep on review and improving. This is the way to establish good safety culture and to ensure the safety and health of labor for sustainable operation of the enterprises.


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