  • 學位論文


Simulation of Uniform Parallel Machine Scheduling Procedures With Lot-Splitting

指導教授 : 吳國棟 張玉鈍




When lot-splitting is applicable to schedule work orders on uniform parallel machines, job tardiness could be reduced while set-up time may increase. In this study, we construct simulation models for uniform parallel machine scheduling with proposed heuristic dispatching procedures to allow lot-splitting. Machine setup times, machine idle times and work order delay times as measurements are considered. The proposed procedures focus on how to schedule work orders to new machines or old machines, which we name it as machines with different speeds selection mechanism. The heuristic dispatching procedure is further classified as NEW1 dispatching procedure and NEW2 dispatching procedure base on work order processing time duration.   STF(setup time first) and DTF(delay time first) rules, which have good perfomance on machine setup times and order delay times, were utilized for comparison. When the proposed heuristic dispatching procedures, NEW1 and NEW2, are applied to an example of scheduling 210 work orders on 30 uniform parallel machines, the result shows that they have better and stable perfomance on average machine setup time, average machine idle time and average work order delay time in most experimental scenarios.


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