  • 學位論文


A Comparative Study on Pushover Analysis for Low-rise Reinforced Concrete Structure

指導教授 : 張順益




The study focuses on the applications of the different definitions of plastic hinges, which were proposed by NCREE, SERCB and FEMA, for nonlinear pushover analysis. As a result, the feasibility as well as advantages and disadvantages of the definition of plastic hinge for each different proposal will be thoroughly explored and compared. In order to confirm the analytical results, the structural systems analyzed were chosen to be the specimens, which were conducted by Chang et al. (2010) and Huang et al. (200?), since the cyclic loading test results can provide actual solutions for comparison. The cyclic loading tests performed by Chang et al. include a reinforced concrete column and two identical columns, where one was retrofitted with wing walls and the other was strengthened by reinforced concrete jacketing. On the other hand, those conducted by Huang et al. content two pure reinforced concrete frames and five identical reinforced concrete frames infilled with brick wall or reinforced concrete wall. The pushover analysis was carried out by using ETABS commercial program with the definitions of plastic hinges proposed by NCREE, SERCB and FEMA. As a result, the capacity curve for each test specimen can be obtained. After comparing the analytical results to the test results, it is found that the analytical failure modes are in general consistent with test results. In addition, the capacity curve is in agreement with the envelope of hysteretic loops for each test specimen although some discrepancies exist. However, the analytical results are generally on a conservative side.


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