  • 學位論文


A Test Environment Provisioning Method for Cross-Platform Web Applications

指導教授 : 鄭有進 謝金雲




供裝 跨平台測試 持續整合


Owing to the advance of the Internet and cloud computing in recent years, lots of commercial software has gradually developed toward Web applications due to its cross-platform advantages. For such applications there are always a large number of combinations of environments that must be tested. If performed by humans, the testing will run the risks of yielding errors in preparing test environments and thus generating wrong results. In addition, it is really a time-consuming task. The present study proposes a method of test environment provisioning for testing cross-platform Web applications. By implementing this method, combinations of test environments can be automatically generated. Through this method, we hope to reduce the risks of human errors in building the test environment and enhance the efficiency of the test.


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[2] World Wide Web Consortium [online] http://www.w3.org
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[9] Jenkins [online]. https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org
