  • 學位論文


IPC Product Applies to e-Medical Information – A Case Study of A Company

指導教授 : 陳雙源 黃廷合


近年來因商業用個人電腦(Consumer PC)市場飽和,各大廠以極低利進行廝殺已司空見慣。但產業用個人電腦(IPC)產業卻能保有近30%毛利率及40%的年成長動力,已成為各界關注的投資標的。產業用個人電腦產業特色是小量多樣、高度客制化,無法靠大量生產來追求經濟規模,利潤雖高但大廠切入不易。在醫護市場的應用領域中存在著相同條件,各家醫院所需電腦產品的客製化程度高,且單一醫護場所使用的數量規模並無法吸引商業用個人電腦以低價導入,也成為產業用個人電腦切入該市場的利基。 雖然醫護體系提供大眾的醫療照護服務,但與其它開放性的市場相比,醫護體系仍充滿著令人陌生與封閉的印象。以行動醫護推車的應用為例,探討IPC業者如何提供合宜的硬體設備與服務,為本研究主要的動機。 各大醫院為提升醫護效率與創新服務,導入行動醫護推車的創新應用,本研究透過德懷術及個案分析的手法,得出各層面結論如下: ㄧ、醫療護理作業環境與一般商用環境差異甚大,產業用個人電腦設計者應分析醫護動態作業的各種情況,修正產品設計,讓產品使用更加「人性化」,不但可降低導入障礙,更可確保產品可靠度。 二、醫護電子化系統採購體系應由具電腦專業背景人員進行規格審查,明訂符合使用需求之規格。 三、設備導入前,應完成足夠時數之操作訓練,降低導入障礙及設備損壞率。 四、以往產業用個人電腦的客戶主要為系統整合商之技術人員,業者幾乎沒有面對終端客戶服務的經驗,售後服務流程應重新規劃及成本也應重新計算。


Consumer PC market is almost saturation in recent years, and its profit is very low. However, Industrial PC (IPC) manufacturers are able to keep 30% gross profit margin and 40% annual growth rate, so it has become a new investment target in these years. The market characters of IPC products are highly customization and lower MOQ (Minimum Order Quantity). That is the reason why IPC manufacturers can’t get lower component prices to enlarge the scale of it’s economics. The same characters are also founded in healthcare market. Most hospitals have their own customization requests but their order quantity can’t attract consumer PC manufacturers’ attention, so it also becomes a marketing niche of industrial PC. Every country's health-care systems provide certain healthcare service to their people, but compare with other opening markets, healthcare field is still a closed market. How can IPC manufacturers cut into the computerized application of medical field? It is the main motivation of the study. Using nursing kart as an example, how can IPC industry provide hardware and software to setup mobile nursing information station on nursing kart to improve healthcare efficiency and provide better services to people? Based on Delphi and Case Study skills, this work established the conclusions as follows: 1. The health-care environment is totally different with general PC application environment. IPC designers should analyze the real application conditions of health-care environment, make products more humanity, reliable and easier to use. 2. The procurement people of health-care system should define exact product specification to save time and cost for product design. 3. Health-care staffs should get enough operational training courses to reducing import barriers and equipment damage rate. 4. In general IPC sale models, most customers are system integrators. IPC sellers almost do not need to contact end-users directly. In health-care market, IPC manufacturers must build their own service experience and process to improve their customer satisfaction. The service cost should be re-estimated also.


Industrial PC Consumer PC


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