  • 學位論文


The research of promoting sustainable development in Penghu Isles

指導教授 : 蘇瑛敏


有鑑於離島所處地域偏遠、自然資源有限,環境脆弱性高,加上離島的發展不同於本島,對自然或人為活動之干擾缺乏抵抗力。因此面對著海岸、歷史、文化及景觀迭遭破壞、漁業資源日漸枯竭、基本生活設施不足及人口外流與能源不足等問題重重,關注離島的永續發展,更有其重要性與迫切性。目前有島嶼之先進國家,均將之視為發展緩慢之地區,並將之列入區域開發政策或縣市綜合發展政策之中,台灣的離島主要以行政院訂定的「離島建設條例」與「促進離島永續發展方針」,作為離島朝永續發展方向的推動重要政策。 本研究以「澎湖本島」為例,以永續發展的觀點,探討相對弱勢的離島地區在制度、產業、文化、環境等面向面臨的議題與永續發展的機會。採用比較分析法:比較台灣離島與國外離島政策之異同,進一步瞭解離島發展現況與所面臨之課題。除參考相關書籍、政府機關或學術機構等二手資料外,並透過專家學者訪談,以及國內外離島現況等一手資料,透過綜合歸納法:綜合一、二手資料及各分析之結果,探討澎湖離島建設實施方案於執行上所遭遇之困難,提出對策以作為未來政府後續推動之參考。


澎湖本島 永續發展


Because of its isolated location, limited natural resources and fragile environment, offshore islands are vulnerable to natural and human beings interference. Adding with the various problems they are confronting, including the devastation of its coastlines, history, culture and scenery, the decreasing fishery resources, inward immigration and the lack of basic infrastructure and energy, it is significant to pay our focus to the sustainable development of the offshore islands. Most of the developed countries with offshore islands regard the islands as development slow area, and thus place the islands into region development policies or into the county city integrated development policies. In Taiwan, the offshore islands mainly follow the “Offshore Islands Development Act” and the “Promoting Sustainable Development of Offshore Islands Guidelines” that were the major policies defined by the Executive Yuan toward its sustainable development . The thesis is looking into the crucial issues and the sustainable opportunities from the point of views of policies, industries, culture and environment. Also, by taking Penghu mainland as a sample study, the thesis will apply comparative analysis to compare the offshore island policies differences between Taiwan and other countries, so as to better understand the current offshore development status and the problems. Literature reviews includes reference books, documents of governmental agency or academic organization. Field study covers domestic and overseas islands visit and interviews with experts and scholars. By applying Rule Induction to analyze the above mentioned first and second hand data, the thesis aims to discover the dilemma that the Penghu offshore Islands Development Act is confronting and to propose methods for the future government execution considerations.


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