  • 學位論文


A Study of Carbon Tax Impact on Cement Industry-The Analysis of the Game Theory

指導教授 : 林正平


二氧化碳是造成溫度上升的因素之一,自2001年以來每年月平均氣溫相較於過去30年來的高,而在1990~2007年間,我國溫室氣體排放總量趨勢,年增量800萬公噸,顯示地球氣候暖化情形日趨嚴重。為了達到產業發展、環境保護與節約能源政策等三個目標,2006年由行政院所召開的台灣經濟永續發展會議中已達成「開徵能源稅」之結論,財政部也積極研擬「能源稅條例」相關草案。近年來政府推動節能減碳政策,並鼓勵創新節能產品降低二氧化碳排放,藉以提升營造產業技術水準。生產量是水泥二氧化碳排放決定性之因素,國內水泥業者生產製程仍持續在改進中,政府課徵碳稅會帶動能源價格上漲直接影響耗能產業。 本研究以國內能源稅條例草案為背景,以訊息對稱時雙方之互動模式下,建構雙方互動之賽局模型,探討加入具體補貼措施後配對策略情形。經由本研究結果可知,透過情境模擬以25%卜作嵐摻料加入,並導入本研究設計之碳交易制度後可有效提升A、B業者報酬,對於低產量的C業者來說,僅在導入碳交易制度時報酬函數才有所差距。期望藉由本研究所建構之賽局模型與摻料加入等減碳方式,避免課徵碳稅後對於水泥業者產生不必要之影響,同時俾提供政府相關單位與後續研究者參考。


Carbon dioxide is one of the factors causing the temperature rise. Since 2001, annual mean temperature is higher then the past 30 years. In the 1990 to 2007, Taiwan's greenhouse gas emissions trends, annual increment of 8 million tonnes, showing the Earth's climate warming become increasingly serious situation. In order to achieve industrial development, environmental protection and energy conservation policy, the three objectives. In 2006, the Executive Yuan convened the meeting “Taiwan's economy sustainable development” has reached a "energy tax" in conclusion, the Ministry of Finance is also actively develop "energy tax regulations" relevant draft. In recent years, the Government to promote energy conservation and carbon reduction policy. Cement production is the Carbon dioxide emissions decisive factors. Cement industry still continue improve production processes. Carbon tax will lead to higher energy prices directly affect the high energy industry. In the study,we have the "energy tax regulations" relevant draft for the background, to the message interaction between the two sides symmetrical mode, then modeling the game between the government and cement industry owner. Include specific measures of subsidies for the case matching strategy. Expected results of the game model and the Pozzolan material added method. To avoid the imposition of carbon tax for the cement industry unnecessary impact.


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