  • 學位論文


Evaluation of calibration chamber CPT results using normalization method

指導教授 : 魏敏樺


砂土缺乏凝聚力,所以不容易取得未擾動土樣,但為了取得砂土工程性質,一般多使用現地試驗,最普遍使用的現地試驗方法為圓錐貫入試驗(Cone Penetration Test,CPT)。由於圓錐貫入的過程對周圍土壤所造成的應變是非常大而且複雜,因此要對CPT的結果作出合理的解釋是非常困難的;現今的解釋方法大多根據前人提出的理論分析、標定試驗(Calibration test)及離心試驗(Centrifuge test) ,以建立經驗公式,了解現地砂土之工程特性。 現今模擬現地CPT的室內試驗有標定試驗及離心試驗。傳統標定試驗有邊界狀態(應力或應變控制)及邊界效應的影響,所求得錐尖阻抗(qc)與初始應力的關係會存疑。因此國立交通大學研發一套有別於傳統標定試驗的新型標定系統,有消除邊界效應及接近現地狀況的功能(稱為B5邊界狀態)。 本篇論文分析模擬現地CPT之室內試驗結果,將標定試驗各種邊界狀態(B1、B3、B5)及離心機就室內試驗qc值以初始應力正規化後,對粒徑尺寸效應、邊界效應等可能影響試驗qc值之參數重新比較及探討;並使用孔壁膨脹理論比較與標定及離心試驗結果的差異,評估何種室內試驗最能模擬及符合現地CPT狀態。


It is not easy to obtain undisturbed sandy soil sample for evaluation of its engineering properties. As a result, cone penetration test has been widely used in obtaining the properties of sandy soil because of its direct and simple use. However, the results in the field must first be calibrated and one of the most frequently used methods is via the calibration chamber test. Because of the complex field conditions, there are currently five types of boundary conditions that can be used to simulate field conditions. As a result, the database of the calibration chamber tests is huge. Unlike the conventional method of interpretation of alibration result, this study tries to use the normalization method to reinterpret the available calibration result and to reevaluate some of the parameters that are sensitive to the cone tip resistance.


【2】 Been et al. (1986), “The cone penetration test in sands:part I, state parameter interpretation,” Geotechnique, Vol. 36, No. 2, pp.239-249.
【5】 Bolton, M.D.(1986), “The strength and dilatancy of sands,” Geotechnique, Vol. 36, No. 1, pp.65-78.
【6】 Bolton et al. (1999), “Centrifuge cone penetration tests in sand,” Geotechnique, Vol. 49, No. 4, pp.543-552.
【7】 Carter, J. P. et al.(1986), “Cavity Expansion in Cohesive Frictional Soils”, Geotechnique, Vol. 36, No. 3, pp.349-358.
【15】 Houlsby, G. T., and Hitchman, R., (1988), “Calibration chamber tests of a cone penetrometer in sand,” Geotechnique, Vol. 38, No.1, pp.39-44.
