  • 學位論文

關鍵客戶之關係行銷策略研究 ─以商業銀行為例

A Study on Key Account,Strategy of Research Relationship Marketing -An Empirical Investigataion of the Commercial Bank

指導教授 : 胡同來


自1991年開放銀行設立以後,因為銀行之業務同質性高,國內的市場規模有限,導致以傳統業務為主軸之銀行受到衝擊,因為僅靠傳統的利差獲利已不具競爭力,同時國內的金融消費市場的需求多樣化,讓銀行業不得不檢視如何調整經營方向與策略。在其後隨國際金融的專業分工,國內銀行的傳統業務漸朝顧客市場與金融商品區隔事業部門,其目的在於每項業務領域皆有獨特的規範與供需條件,市場的開拓與維繫模式亦有不同特色,尤以金融商品的不斷開發,在經過行銷策略的設計與包裝下,要研究銀行的競爭優勢和風險管理,已不能用傳統的思維出發,相對的以金融服務的領域,針對客戶的屬性來做區隔,才是更具有探討的意義。 本研究採質性研究之個別深入訪談方式,透過金融同業的人脈,採訪多家銀行負責企業金融業務的高階主管,除請益同業經營之重要沿革典故與經營核心業務,另針對同業在目標業務的訂定與執行過程中,有關顧客關係的核心價值、管理機制、行銷功能的重視,都有很深入的探討。探討研究結果發現如下: 一、銀行的企業文化與經營理念,攸關其核心業務與目標市場的訂定,進而決定其市場競爭力。 二、銀行員工的專業素質與核心業務目標的理解與執行力,在於能否提供滿足關鍵客戶的需求,創造更高的貢獻度與顧客滿意度。 三、傳統的行銷4P導入創造服務品質之3P,即人員行銷、實體行銷、流程行銷,才能構成更完善的價值行銷策略。 四、關鍵客戶的管理與重視,與創造的貢獻價值有正向之關係。 五、運用顧客的滿意度與忠誠度,可發揮關係行銷的綜效。


Since the Government allowed setting up more private banks in 1991, banks which are focus on traditional business are affected by the highly similar business of banks and the limited scale of domestic market. The profits only from interest spread are no longer competitive. In the meanwhile, the demands from financial consumer market are more variety. Bank industry has to adjust its operation and strategy. In the following specialty division of international finance, traditional business of domestic banks is separated into consumer market and financial product department, which is because each department has its unique regulation and demand/supply chain. Market development and connection also has different characters, especially for continuously innovative financial products. After the design on marketing strategy, it’s more meaningful by using customers’ attributes for each department to research competitive advantage and risk management of banks instead of by using traditional concepts. This research is based on interviews with managers of corporate finance business from financial institutions. The topics of this research are the operation of core business, and targets determination and execution, related to the core value, management mechanism, and marketing of customer relationships. The conclusions of the research are as followed: 1.The business concepts and culture of bank are related to its determination of core business and objectiv3e market, as well as its competition. 2.The professional ability and comprehension execution of core business of employees are important to provide the demand for key customers and create more contributions and customer's satisfactions. 3.4P of Original marketing and 3P of service quality, such as service personal; physical environment; service process, will create better marketing strategy. 4.The more attention to key customers; the more contributions will be created. 5.Making use of loyalty and satisfaction from customers will bring the synthesis effect of marketing.


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