  • 學位論文


Characteristics of Street Dust Loading with Control Measures - A Case Study on Southern Taiwan Area

指導教授 : 章裕民


本研究旨在探討街道塵坋土特性,高屏空品區與雲嘉南空品區為台灣地區PSI不良率較高的空品區,且懸浮微粒不良比例也明顯偏高,而懸浮微粒的最主要排放源為車行揚塵。其主要是以雲嘉南空氣品質區與高屏空氣品質區所在的五個縣市各選定5條代表性道路進行街道塵坋土採樣,其次以桃園縣每季選取30條道路街道塵坋土採樣來進行長期洗掃效率評估。街道塵坋土採樣依照U. S. EPA AP-42 鋪面道路街塵之採樣方法執行,再依ASTM-C136標準篩分法得到各粒徑之塵坋土量,由討論街道塵坋土與影響因子相關係,並探討長期性洗掃街作業的街道塵坋土荷重削減成效,最後針對街道塵坋土防制措施提出建議。 經研究結果可以得知臺灣南部地區五個縣市之平均塵土荷重為1.854 g/m2,平均坋土荷重為0.592 g/m2,雲林縣塵土荷重為1.838 g/m2,坋土荷重為0.472 g/m2;嘉義縣塵土荷重為0.791 g/m2,坋土荷重為0.326 g/m2;台南市塵土荷重為1.530 g/m2,坋土荷重為0.423 g/m2;高雄縣塵土荷重為1.748 g/m2,坋土荷重為0.515 g/m2;屏東縣塵土荷重為3.739 g/m2,坋土荷重為1.225 g/m2。


The dissertation presents the characteristic of street dust in Yun - Chia - Nan Air Quality Area and Kao - Ping Air Quality Area,which are the worst PSI in Taiwan. Collecting five county street dust samples in Southern Taiwan, and selecting 25 roads and collecting the street dust samples in Taoyuan County.The sample collection method for the street dust according to U. S. EPA AP-42 procedures, which are based on a review of American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) methods C-136. It was found that the amount of street dust loading is 1.854 g/m2, the amount of street slit loading is 0.592 g/m2. In Yunlin,the amount of street dust loading is 1.838 g/m2, the amount of street slit loading is 0.592 g/m2;In Chiayi,the amount of street dust loading is 0.791 g/m2, the amount of street slit loading is 0.326 g/m2; In Tainan,the amount of street dust loading is 1.530 g/m2, the amount of street slit loading is 0.423 g/m2; In Kaohsiung,the amount of street dust loading is 1.748 g/m2, the amount of street slit loading is 0.515 g/m2; In Pingtung,the amount of street dust loading is 3.739 g/m2, the amount of street slit loading is 1.225 g/m2


Street Dust Characteristics Washing Street


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