  • 學位論文


The construction and analysis of operating window of electrospinning

指導教授 : 蘇淵源


奈米纖維的應用從細胞培養基材、過濾材料、醫療敷材及電子材料等,用途十分廣泛。傳統紡織法無法紡出直徑達奈米級的纖維,因此須仰賴電紡絲技術。電紡絲的製造原理為,利用高壓電使高分子溶液因電斥力而產生鞭甩運動 (whipping motion),在鞭甩的過程中使溶劑蒸發,並將溶液拉伸以達到奈米尺寸。 本文探討針頭型電極之電紡絲製程,使用有限體積法Fluent套裝軟體模擬三維立體射流,並利用Magnetic Hydrodynamics模組中的電位 (Electrical Potential) 創造電場,提供粒子額外所受之靜電力。搭配分相模組 (Discrete Phase Model) 耦合模擬粒子運動軌跡,觀察粒子出紡口後,在電場作用力影響下之運動變化。藉由改變操作電壓、工作距離、材料導電度、黏度、表面張力以及質量流率,探討各個參數對錐體-射流 (Cone-jet) 狀態時的電壓範圍影響趨勢。接著,探討主題從單根針頭延伸至雙根針頭,觀察其相互影響之情形。 最後取模擬結果與實驗作比較,可發現其誤差僅12.06 %,並且趨勢一致。此外,經由Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) 觀察實驗得到的纖維,可發現當流率越大其纖維越粗,與模擬所得趨勢亦相同。因此,實驗與模擬相輔相成,印證模擬並預測趨勢為本研究之目的。


靜電紡絲 錐體-射流 MHD DPM


Nano-fiber extensively used in cells culture, ultra thin filtration membrane, implantable scaffold, and biosensor etc. Electro-spinning process is generally regarded as an effective way to fabricate nano-fibers. The electro-spinning principle for manufacturing nano-fibers is using high-voltage, which causing polymer solution to bring out the whipping motion because of the repulsion among electrons. The solvent would vaporize in the process of whipping motion, and the solution would be stretched to reach nano-size level. This article studied the three-dimensional injection of electro-spinning process for a syringe needle type electrode by using the finite volume method Fluent. Electrical potential in Magnetic Hydrodynamics module (MHD) to create electric field was used to provide additional electrostatic force to the dispersed particles. The voltage range of Cone-jet in stabilization was studied by changing operating voltage, working distance, electrical conductivity, viscosity, surface tension and mass flow rate. Discrete Phase Model (DPM), coupling the particle motion simulation, the particle motion, due to the influence of electric field, was observed when particles leave the spinneret. Then, the subject is extended to twin needles. The interaction between two needles was examined. Finally, the electro-spinning experiments are performed to prove the applicable range of the simulations developed in this study.


Electrospinning Cone-jet MHD DPM


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