  • 學位論文


Development Of SOPC Based General Purpose Data Acquisition System With FFT Capability.

指導教授 : 蔡孟伸


本論文提出一套全新的泛用型資料擷取系統的架構,有別於以往其他系統只能針對單一應用所產生的限制,在不需另加硬體的條件下,就可經由軟體直接針對硬體做取樣速度的設定,使得硬體對外部訊號的取樣能夠達到多樣化,進而可對不同外界的訊號進行擷取,其中利用了兩個記憶庫(Memory Bank)交互儲存轉換資料,以保證資料的完整性和連續性。透過軟硬體的溝通介面由軟體視不同的需要來決定資料是否直接取回做後端的處理,或決定是否擷取經由快速傅立葉轉換所得到的頻域資訊。 將上述的系統在NiosⅡ CycloneEP1C20F400C7的開發平台中加以實現,為了有別於以往利用PIO來溝通硬體週邊,論文中根據Avalon匯流排標準設計了Avalon模組做為軟、硬體資料溝通的介面;此外,硬體的部分實現了內部資料轉換模組、快速傅立葉轉換控制器(FFT Controller)、快速傅立葉轉換模組及相角轉換(cordic Algorithm)模組。 本論文更提出了在不同匯流排形式下双埠及單埠不同的設計方式,利用記憶體存取仲裁器(Memory Access Arbitrator)以取代直接記憶體存取(DMA)以作為資料的溝通傳遞,除可有效率的避免資料匯流排及位址匯流排讀寫相衝突的情形,也可以簡化軟硬體的設計。 利用上述之整合平台,本研究成功地將泛用型的資料擷取介面整合至一顆晶片中,可適用於各種不同的應用及在未來提供後端做進一步的資料處理。


The thesis concerned and implemented a new architecture with high speed data acquisition system. The focus of the system developed in this thesis is that it is designed for general purpose applications rather than a specific application. In order to acquire various waveforms, the sample speed can be adjusted for different applications by using software. A two-bank memory is implemented in this system such that the conversion can be performed continuously without losing of any information. A hardware FFT module is also embedded in the system. This allows much faster data processing capability than other software based FFT technologies. Software can retrieve the raw wave form or frequency domain information based on different applications. The system is implemented on NiosⅡ Cyclone EP1C20F400C7 platform. AVALON interface is used to communicate CPU and user defined hardware such as data transform module, FFT Controller, FFT Module and Cordic Module. The thesis also concerned with different designs by using single port and dual port memory. In order to avoid the conflict situations with data and address bus, a memory access arbitrator is designed in order to emulate dual port memories by utilizing single port memories. By doing so, a lower cost can be achieved. This system has been applied to a speaker recognizing system with great success. Other application fields are also being explored.


NiosⅡ FFT embedded system dual port single port DMA


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