  • 學位論文


Analysis and Case Study of TAB and BEMS Method on Energy Saving of HVAC

指導教授 : 黃博全


長久以來建築節能的課題一直為人們所重視,而空調系統佔整個建築物耗能常超過45∼55%,所以空調節能便顯得格外重要。空調工程完工時對風側與水側採測試、調整與平衡(Testing, Adjusting and Balancing以下簡稱TAB)可以修正系統流量與原設計之誤差可減少許多的能源浪費。另外,於大樓的設計與施工中導入建築能源管理系統(Building Energy Management System以下簡稱BEMS),能將建築物內各系統間的相互影響做最適化的調整,亦可降低大量的能源損耗。 本研究的目的,旨要在探討同時導入TAB及BEMS於空調系統中,再依據個案空調系統之問題所在及分析並採用適當的節能方案,藉由三個空調系統案例實測與分析作為研究驗證,節能效能的可行性。 本研究得到以下結論:(1)證實空調系統執行TAB工作會使空調系統各設備發揮最佳效能、增長設備使用壽命,並可減少運轉電力之成本,三個案例合計每年共節省約166,776kWh。(2)而增設BEMS並導入運轉策略,如針對泵浦、風機增設變頻器控制以減少馬達耗電、增設全熱交換器降低外氣負載以提昇室內空氣品質等方式進行工程改善,三個案例合計每年共節省約134,956kWh。


Since the issue of energy saving in the building has gained considerable attention for a long time and the energy consumed by air-conditioning (AC) system is often over 45~55% of the total energy consumption by the building, it becomes very important how to reduce the energy consumption in the air-conditioning system. Applying the means of testing, adjusting and balancing (TAB) on both air and water sides of a newly-completing AC system, the flow-rate deviation of AC system was corrected to match the practical state. This results to reducing in energy waste of AC engineering. In addition, applying the building energy management system (BEMS) into building design and construction process, it makes the optimal adjustment of the interaction influence among the buildings monitoring and control systems. This leads to diminishing a large amount of energy loss. The purpose of this study is to explore the feasibility of saving energy through introducing TAB and BEMS into AC system simultaneously. This possibility is validated by means of analyzing experimentally three cases of AC system. The results show that: (1) an air-conditioning (AC) system performing TAB make its component parts operating at maximum efficiency, which saves energy and prolongs parts lift. The total annual energy savings in these three cases is approximately 166,776 kilowatt hours (kWh); (2) Applying BEMS and operating strategies, e.g. by adding a frequency converter to control the pump or fan motor for reducing energy consumption or by installing an air heat exchanger to reduce the electrical load of cooling outdoor air for improving indoor air quality, total annual energy savings of three cases is 134,956 (kWh).


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