  • 學位論文


The Approach of Positive Image Shaping of the Elderly in Children’s Picture Books

指導教授 : 葉雯玓


伴隨高齡化社會型態的出現,新世代對於銀髮族形象的認知有必要脫離舊有觀念,往正面積極的形象認知發展。在眾多傳媒中,兒童繪本除為兒童頻繁接觸之對象外,更能夠藉由鮮明的圖像傳達角色形象。因此,為強化兒童繪本對於銀髮族正面形象提升之價值,本研究探討兒童對銀髮族形象認知以及理解繪本角色形象之關鍵構成要素,以掌握繪本銀髮族角色正面形象塑造手法,提出具正面形象之銀髮族角色設計並加以評估。 研究中針對8歲兒童以銀髮族形象認知調查問卷來了解該族群對銀髮族之形象認知,並透過角色形象判別因素問卷配合篩選之繪本銀髮族角色找出兒童判別角色正面形象之重要因素,根據調查結果進行繪本銀髮族角色造型解構,整合出銀髮族角色正面形象之構成要素,並歸納為塑造銀髮族角色正面形象之手法。最後,依循歸納結果訂定角色設計規範進行具正面形象之銀髮族角色設計,並施以問卷評估其形象塑造適切性。 研究結果顯示,為扭轉銀髮族形象,可朝向其生理層面中反應遲鈍、行動緩慢和記憶力差等形象進行強化。創作者為塑造銀髮族角色之正面形象,宜依序對角色臉部表情、肢體動作、配件以及服裝為重點加以著墨。綜觀銀髮族角色正面形象塑造之重點要素,角色肢體動作為銀髮族生理層面正面形象塑造之主要要素;角色表情為心理層面正面形象塑造之主要要素;角色所攜帶之配件為社會層面正面形象塑造之主要要素;而角色服裝則為銀髮族衣著整潔形象之主要要素。 為塑造銀髮族角色正面形象,針對繪本角色造型元素之表現方式依重要程度排序為:(1)開朗的笑容、(2)肢體動作上呈現動態感,配合直挺的姿勢或思考的動作(3)具工作性質配件並避免賦予角色眼鏡配件、(4)色彩明度高且平整的服裝、(5)圓潤的臉形、(6)比例大的耳部與頭部外形、(7)壯碩的身軀。研究中依循上述設計規範所提出之男女銀髮族角色設計,經問卷評估確實對銀髮族之正面形象認知有所提升,其中銀髮族角色設計尚可加強之形象構成要素為:(1)男性銀髮族角色之腳部動作、壯碩的身形、配件及耳部外型;(2)女性銀髮族角色之耳部外型與微笑的表情。


With the coming of aging society, the new generation’s cognition towards elderly images requires the separation from traditional concepts and moves toward a positive cognitive development of images. Among those numerous media, picture books not only become objects that children frequently contact but also effectively communicate character images through vivid pictures. Theref elderly images, the current study aimed to investigate children’s cognition towards elderly images and understanding of crucial components of character images in picture books, so as to grasp the positive image representations of elderly characters in picture books and to propose as well as evaluate designs of elderly characters with positive images. “Questionnaire of elderly image cognition” was employed to understand 8-year-old children’s cognition toward elderly images. In addition, “Questionnaire of character image differential factors” was utilized to locate important factors that children use to differentiate positive images of characters in those selected picture books. Deconstruction of designs of elderly characters in picture books allowed for the integration of crucial components of elderly character positive images and for generalization of positive image representation manners of elderly characters. Finally, criteria of character designs based on the results were formulated for subsequent designs of elderly characters with positive images. Questionnaires were then employed to evaluate the appropriateness of image representation. The results revealed that to alter elderly images, physiological aspects such as “responsive dullness”, “tardy action”, and “poor memory” could be strengthened. To represent positive images of elderly characters, creators should focus on facial expressions, body movements, accessories, and costume in order. Among crucial components of positive image representation of elderly characters, body movements were the main component of positive physiological image representation of elderly characters. Facial expressions were the main component of positive psychological image representation of elderly characters. Accessories and costume were main components of positive social image representation and costume cleanness image, respectively. To represent positive images of elderly characters, the ranking of representation manners of character designs in picture books was as follows: (1) bright smiles, (2) dynamic body movement with a straight posture or pondering action, (3) job-related accessories, without glasses, (4) bright coloring and neat costume, (5) a round face, (6) largely-proportioned ears and head, and (7) a strong figure. The results of the questionnaire showed that the aforementioned design criteria of male/female elderly characters effectively enhanced children’s cognition toward positive images of elderly characters, with two components to be strengthened for enhancing elderly images, including (1) foot movement, strong figure, accessories, and ear shape of male elderly characters and (2) ear shape and smiling expression of female elderly characters.


Elderly Image Image Shaping




