  • 學位論文


Development and Working Efficiency Measurements for the Electric Power Generation System of Ground Mechanical Green Energy Harvesting on Sidewalk

指導教授 : 丁振卿


本論文主要在研究開發人行道地面機械綠能發電系統與進行其效率量測,此人行道地面機械綠能發電系統包括電磁感應人行道地面發電地磚與自動化效率量測系統兩部分。在發電地磚方面,以CCT實驗室所開發之脈衝式電磁感應發電機與一般式電磁感應發電機為基礎,分別設計搭配適合之傳動機構,其中,脈衝式電磁感應發電機 由外壁繞有線圈的線圈管及其內部往復移動的強力磁鐵,再加上線圈管兩端可交互斥推管內強力磁鐵的磁鐵盤組成,當管內強力磁鐵受兩端磁鐵盤斥推並往復穿過線圈時,即可感應產生電動勢;而一般式電磁感應發電機則是使用傳統地旋轉磁切的方式發電。兩種發電機都是法拉第電磁感應定律(Faraday's Law of Induction)的應用,而且兩者所搭配的傳動機構都是利用活塞曲柄傳動搭配機械變速組合,衝程以5、7與10 mm進行效率探討。在效率量測方面,以氣壓缸衝擊模擬裝置模擬行人踩踏發電地磚之正向力,並結合CCT實驗室自行開發的自動化效率量測系統。研究過程探討發電地磚在不同衝程距離與不同衝擊力道下的發電效率,此外,脈衝式與一般式電磁感應發電機也透過自動化效率量測系統成功地量測其發電效率,最後再由所測得的電磁感應人行道地面發電地磚之發電效率與發電機之發電效率換算得到電磁感應人行道地面發電地磚之機構傳動效率。本論文成功開發人行道地面機械綠能發電系統並測得其發電效率,結果顯示,脈衝式電磁感應人行道地面發電地磚在衝程5 mm時以50 kg衝擊力道撞擊,發電效率為1.35%;一般式電磁感應人行道地面發電地磚在衝程5 mm 時以50 kg衝擊力道撞擊,發電效率為5.58%,而在衝程10 mm以50 kg衝擊力道撞擊時,發電效率達到14.90%。


This article aims to develop the electric power generation system of ground mechanical green energy harvesting on sidewalk and perform its working efficiency measurements. The developed system mainly consists of the sidewalk lectric power generation brick and the automatic efficiency measurement system. The sidewalk electric power generation brick used the pulsed electromagnetic induction generator and the general electromagnetic induction generator with suitable transmission mechanism respectively. The pulsed electromagnetic induction generator is built in an electric coil tube integrated with an inside movable induction magnet. Moreover, two push magnets are built on the two endpoints of the electric coil tube respectively. The push magnets alternately move over the endpoints of the electric coil tube and push the inside induction magnet to run through the electric coil to and fro. This action yields induced electromotive force in the electric coil and its output power is independent on moving speed of the push magnets. The general electromagnetic induction generator is the traditional generator. The working principle and the transmission mechanism of the mentioned two generators are both in terms of Faraday’s law of induction and with piston transmission of strokes 5, 7, and 10 mm respectively. For working efficiency measurements, this work used the air pressure driven piston to serve as the input energy and integrated with the CCT Lab. developed automatic working efficiency measurement system. Moreover, the transmission efficiency is finally decided by the difference between working efficiencies of the brick and the generator. The results show that the working efficiency is 1.35% for the pulsed electromagnetic induction generator built brick using impact force of 50 kg with stroke of 5 mm, 5.58 and 14.9% for the general electromagnetic generator built brick using impact force of 50 kg with strokes of 5 and 10 mm respectively.


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