  • 學位論文


A New Method to Measure the Deposition of Gaseous DBP on Different Surfaces

指導教授 : 胡石政


在半導體廠中所使用的晶圓傳輸盒,由於晶圓傳輸盒會釋出氣態之鄰苯二甲酸二丁脂(Dibutyl phthalate, DBP)及鄰苯二甲酸二辛脂(O-Dioctyl Phthalate,BOP),吸附在晶圓表面使晶圓受污染,導至製程良率的下降,但若要找出污染物防治之對策,首先就要知道在晶圓表面之DBP的吸附濃度及吸附情形,故本研究則針對不同材質之表面對DBP吸附量及吸附情況做一探討。以往量測氣態分子污染物的方式是以TD-GC/MS方式居多,但成本昂貴且分析方式較繁雜,而本研究利用正己烷將不同表面材質上之DBP溶出後,溶出之溶液因DBP濃度不同,其對光線之吸光能力亦不同之現象,採用新的量測方式,利用光譜儀量測不同表面上之DBP濃度,採用此方式可利用較低的成本,且可精準的量測到5ng/cm2的DBP表面濃度,且經由實驗了解DBP之吸附情形後,利用DBP之吸附特性,提出改善DBP污染之方式。


Along the years, TD-GC/MS has been a widely used method in measuring gaseous contaminant. However, it is costly and its analysis method is rather complicated. According the existence of benzene structure in the DBP and the strong absorptivity of electrons to the ultra violet light, this study reports the deposition of DBP on quartz and glass surfaces, respectively, under very low space concentration of DBP with an accurate manner through a spectrum analyzer. Understanding the adhesion characteristics of DBP through the experiments, a method to reduce DBP deposition was proposed and its effect was quantitatively determined.


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