  • 學位論文


The Effluent Reuse for Agricultural Irrigation from Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants - A Case Study of the Pa-Li Wastewater Treatment Plant

指導教授 : 張添晉 邱仁杰


台灣地區用水需求逐年增加,水資源短缺問題日顯嚴重。都市污水處理廠之處理放流水,具穩定性高、水質負荷低及水量大等特性,可視為重要水資源來源。加上農業灌溉用水為我國水資源利用之最大宗,因此,本研究亦就都市污水再生利用於農業灌溉各面向進行研究,內容包括水再生處理技術及水質標準等之研析,並以八里污水處理廠為例,研析其放流水再利用於桃園灌溉區之可行性。   都市污水處理廠之放流水,即使處理至二級處理等級,其水質項目中總氮數值仍舊過高,無法符合水質標準之要求,又總氮為影響作物生長之重要因素,因此可於原處理程序中加入去氮程序、藉由原灌溉水以適當比例稀釋或在合理範圍檢討調整國內標準以因應之。八里污水處理廠放流水輸送至桃園灌溉區之農業灌溉再利用,具水量大之優勢,但其處理系統僅為一級處理等級,放流水水質濃度仍有部份未達標準規定。針對一般水質項目部份,可藉由提升階梯曝氣法以改善水質現況。若欲進一步處理總氮之問題,則可改採MLE處理程序因應之。但在考量八里污水處理廠現況,因廠區面積受限,導致提升二級處理等級後,可供再利用之水量僅為9 %之灌溉需求量,因此,若欲增加處理水量以滿足灌溉所需,則須協調收回外借之土地,以達增建需求。


The water demand is increasing gradually and the water resource shortages problems will be more serious in Taiwan. The reclaimed water from municipal wastewater treatment plant is actually a very reliable alternative water resource, because of its stable quantity and the lower pollution quality. In addition, the water demand of agricultural irrigation is the highest portion in Taiwan. For this reason, the objective of this study is to assess municipal treated water reuse for agricultural irrigation, including water reclamation technologies and water quality standards. In addition, the research assessed the feasibility of the effluent reuse from Pa-Li wastewater treatment plant to Tao-Yuan areas for the irrigation. The concentration of the total nitrogen from the secondary effluent could not confirm the required water quality standards. But nitrogen is an important element for the crop, therefore, to employ nitrogen removal process, dilute the concentrated of reclamation water with original irrigation water, or to adjust internal standard are available. The advantage of water reuse from the Pa-Li wastewater treatment plant to Tao-Yuan areas is the large amount of water. But the wastewater of Pa-Li wastewater treatment plant is only treated to the primary level, some water qualities could not reach the required water criteria. The study suggests using the stepping aeration process to remove organic matter and the MLE process to remove total nitrogen in the Pa-Li wastewater treatment plant. However, the feasibility is restricted by the area of factory. Considering for present master plan status of the Pa-Li wastewater plant, only 9 % of treated water can be regenerated for agricultural irrigation demand. For this reason, it is necessary to coordinate and regain the borrowed land in order to increase the area for the advanced processes.


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