  • 學位論文


Application of Discharge Factor on Surveillance and Management for Industrial Wastes

指導教授 : 章裕民


查核管制為環境保護政策中十分重要的管制工作,如果欠缺有效能的稽查體系與管制作為,則環境污染就無法受到監督與控制,生態環境就無法得到保障。若能事先推算出事業廢棄物產出量,並透過現場查核管制的方式,將有效的迫使事業單位妥善地處理事業廢棄物,減少事業廢棄物產生量。 本研究利用整體質量平衡法(Overall Mass Balance)與統計學之迴歸分析(Regression Analysis)方法推求各製程行業別之廢棄物產出因子(Discharge Factor, 以下簡稱DF)。並規劃應用於電子化系統架構,將DF實際應用於查核管制上,以作為預先查核業者廢棄物申報資料與現場查核之工具。 從本研究驗證結果顯示MAPE≧30%(預測能力不佳)之DF有7項,此7項廢棄物DF重新推估後,尚有1項DF之MAPE≧30%(DF之預測能力不佳),其原因可能與參數(因子)選用不當有關。在驗證的53項DF,MAPE<30%者共有52項,顯示DF預測廢棄物產出量約有98%的可靠率。另於實場查核結果中,推估的11項廢棄物DF,僅1項誤差值≧30%,顯示本研究所提的方法與所探討的製程廢棄物約有91%的實用性。 因此,DF查核管制系統的規劃設計,將可預先查核業者廢棄物申報資料,有效掌握廢棄物的質與量,實為查稽管制工作上提供甚大助益。


The surveillance and management program is very important to promote the environmental policy and quality. Estimation of industry wastes generation with the way of surveillance and management onsite in advance can reuse the wastes effectively and reduce the production of industry wastes. The thesis studies on the application of Discharge Factor (DF) on surveillance and management for industrial wastes utilizing overall mass balance/ material flow analysis with mathematical regression. Computerization Planning on surveillance and management system was also conducted with the registered data. It provides a tool to estimate the quantities of industry wastes onsite in advance. The results shows that the reliability of DF predicting production would be 98%, and the practicability would be 91%. Planning DF of Surveillance and Management system and designing can survey the data of industry. In fact, effective management of the waste is very great benefit of surveillance and management in practical situtation.


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