  • 學位論文


The Campus is Located in Hillside Expansion Project Planning Study

指導教授 : 張寬勇


在社會經濟高度發展、人口分布密集與使用需求逐漸提高之情形下,由平原地區往山坡地進行開發乃為未來土地利用之必然發展趨勢。若能在滿足開發之基本需求與依據相關法規之前提下,並綜合考量國土開發利用、環境永續保護與景觀維護等因子,透過管理制度與工程手法予以適當管制山坡地開發之限度,將能提高山坡地開發之安全性與生活環境之永續性。本研究將藉由國內外山坡地災害資料搜集與分析,以及國內相關法規分析與探討,期能提出山坡地開發之因應對策以供社會相關單位參酌,以減少未來山坡地災害之發生與降低社會經濟損失。 本研究係探討山坡地開發工程之規劃,基地位於新竹市都市計畫區,屬於行政院農委會所劃定之山坡地範圍。近年來由於校園教學與運動休閒之需求性增加,校方向教育部爭取建設經費以擴增校園敷地。經該校務規劃委員會決議:『已徵收取得之西區校地-即光復校區西側田徑場後方,臨特二號道路約14公頃土地,規劃為「運動休閒區」。』以塑造學校特有風格,營造公園化、郊區化之大學校園風格,引導其朝向一個人文薈萃的綜合大學發展。故在開發施工前應妥善予以進行資料調查、蒐集與分析,並依規定提送『水土保持計畫書』,實質工程規劃內容包含:整地、排水、擋土構造物、道路與景觀工程等。故以「山坡地校園擴建工程規劃之研究」規劃過程與評估結果,作為後續其他山坡地開發案例之參考。


Due to highly developing economic society, population distribution concentration and gradually higher demanding, the land usage from the plain region into the hillside developing is a natural trend. Presupposing the development can meet the basic requirement and follow the relating regulations, and totally considers the factors of national territorial development、environmental sustainable protection and landscaping maintenance, through the management system and construction method to control the hillside development properly, then we can higher the safety of the hillside development and the sustainability of the living environment. This study will through the collection and analysis of the calamities from the domestic and foreign countries, and the analysis and study of relating domestic regulations, and expecting to supply the counter strategy for the hillside development to the other relating agencies for their reference and further study, in order to reduce the future hillside disaster and lower the social economic loss. This article is to study the construction planning for the hillside development. The site is located within the Hsin-Chu County Urban Plan area, and is designated as hillside by the Council of Agriculture of Executive Yuan, is for campus expansion use which was submitted by the school to the Ministry of Education. And this proposal was concluded by the School Administration Planning Committee as” Already acquired the west campus land, which is located behind the track and field area at the west side of the Kuang-Fu campus and along the No. 2 road, total area is around 14 hectares, and is planned to be a recreational sporting area.” And intend to mold the unique school characteristics, develop a gardening, rural university style, and lead to an elite alluring university development. As specified, the relating necessary information should be investigated, collected and analyzed, and propose the “Water and Land Conservation Plan” before the construction can proceed. The detail construction plan should include the land leveling, sewage, retaining wall, road and landscaping etc..Therefore, use the planning process and evaluation results of the document Planning Study on Hillside Campus Expansion Project as a reference for other follow-up hillside development projects.


