  • 學位論文


The synthesis and application of reactive flame retardant in rubber

指導教授 : 趙豫州


阻燃劑9,10-dihydro-9-oxa-10-phosphenanthrene -10-oxide (DOPO) 及其衍生物一般應用於半導体的塑膠面板及紡織工業上,由於無鹵素且阻燃效果相較其它磷系阻燃劑優異而漸取代部份傳統的鹵素系阻燃劑。目前市面上尚無反應型阻燃劑適用於橡膠材料中。本實驗為合成具有烯類官能基之Allyl DOPO並觀察反應型阻燃劑在橡膠材料中的阻燃效果。結果顯示Allyl DOPO阻燃劑在CR有極佳的阻燃效果,再搭配少量的石墨阻燃劑則可達到V0防火等級。


DOPO 阻燃劑 橡膠


9,10-dihydro-9-oxa-10-phosphenanthrene -10-oxide (DOPO) and its derivatives are generally use as a flame retardant in semiconductor and textile industries. There are more friendly environment competed with conventioned halogenated flame retardants, their performance are better then phosphorus flame retardants. At moment we haven’t found a suitable rubber halogen-free flame retardants. Hence we synthesized a series of DOPO type reactive flame retardants, such as allyl DOPO, and evaluated and discussed their performance.The results showed that allyl DOPO flame retardants in CR has an excellent fire-retardant effect, and it can reach V0 flame retardant fire rating with a small amount of graphite.


DOPO Flame retardant rubber


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